Comparison of changes in a pretest-posttest design with Likert scales

Christian Hennig, Daniel Müllensiefen and Jens Bargmann

June 2003


Two methods for comparison of the influence of a treatment on different discrete variables are suggested, compared and applied to a dataset, which concerns the influence of music on emotions and stems from a questionnaire, where five emotions have been measured by ten questions for each emotion on a five-point Likert scale. The question has been if a certain piece of music induces anxiety to a significantly higher extent than other emotions. The pretest values for the emotions cannot be expected to be equally distributed, and two methods to take this into account are proposed. The first one is a linear regression on the Likert mean scores with pretest values as independent variables. The second one is a t-test on new change scores, which are derived conditional on the pretest values. It is shown that the second approach is more appropriate in the present setup.


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