[Statlist] Workshop on ‘Causality in Extremes’ in Geneva and online

Sebastian Engelke Seb@@t|@n@Enge|ke @end|ng |rom un|ge@ch
Mon Feb 5 16:01:12 CET 2024

Dear all,

The workshop and mini-courses ‘Causality in Extremes’, taking place at
the University of Geneva from February 12 - 16, 2024, will be streamed
on a Zoom webinar.

The program and further information can be found on the workshop website:

To obtain more information and follow the talks, please register by
sending an email to gsem-causality-extremes using unige.ch
(include your name and affiliation).

Best wishes,
Gloria Buritica, Sebastian Engelke, Jonas Peters and Frank Roettger

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