[Statlist] BBS Seminar: Quantification of risk: ask the right questions or time to apply the estimand framework to safety! on 12th April 2023 (from 14-17h CET) at Novartis Campus Basel (hybrid)

Blatna, Bibiana b|b|@n@@b|@tn@ @end|ng |rom nov@rt|@@com
Thu Mar 23 19:25:06 CET 2023

Dear BBS colleagues,

Please follow the link to the updated program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/baselbiometrics.github.io/home/docs/upcoming/20230412/agenda.pdf__;!!N3hqHg43uw!r0XhqyXDheqijrZwyVSMwF9GmY1Goia49P5wredJoTVcFtz_Rw1SuiMbmGXnkz-OXLE0qugnjvCqdkCUvtUOyVmPv11PjGM$> for the BBS Safety Seminar on 12th April 2023 on Quantification of risk.

The organizers are pleased to confirm 2 discussants:

  *   Andrew Thomson (EMA, virtual)
  *   Shanti Gomatam (FDA, virtual)


From: Blatna, Bibiana <bibiana.blatna using novartis.com>
Sent: Montag, 9. Januar 2023 18:13
Subject: BBS Seminar: Quantification of risk: ask the right questions or time to apply the estimand framework to safety! on 12th April 2023 (from 14-17h CET) at Novartis Campus Basel (hybrid)

Dear BBS colleagues,

Safety evaluations are critical in informing the benefit-risk profile of a new therapy for decision making by ethicists, investigators, regulators, payers, patients, and clinicians. In an upcoming BBS seminar

Quantification of risk: ask the right questions or time to apply the estimand framework to safety!

(agenda<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/baselbiometrics.github.io/home/docs/upcoming/20230412/agenda.pdf__;!!N3hqHg43uw!qNqvkBDn5AOzu4yGjE9gQg0vn3HGF4z2xCnu9N9YiEF7YjfR-3b7uM8961ebATIKx7FtxutOUTmkWKN0mQHE9CMJBxqO4ek$> & registration<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRwYmXr2_1F5zpdSL_NSrU2gjvDtpRoligvb4RvaREBDl3yw/viewform__;!!N3hqHg43uw!qNqvkBDn5AOzu4yGjE9gQg0vn3HGF4z2xCnu9N9YiEF7YjfR-3b7uM8961ebATIKx7FtxutOUTmkWKN0mQHE9CMJ95y2llk$>) speakers from industry and regulators will give an overview of current thinking and share recent development in safety evaluation and reporting in clinical trials.

The event will take place on the afternoon of 12th April 2023 in a hybrid format. We hope to see many colleagues face-to-face on Novartis campus!


Kind Regards,
Rima Izem & Kaspar Rufibach

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