[Statlist] Conférence : Prof. Carl-Erik Särndal, Dr honoris causa 2022, Université de Neuchâtel

TILLE Yves Yve@@T|||e @end|ng |rom un|ne@ch
Wed Oct 12 08:13:14 CEST 2022

Conférence :  Prof. Carl-Erik Särndal, Dr honoris causa 2022, Université de Neuchâtel
Progress in survey science and practice:  yesterday - today - tomorrow

By Carl-Erik Särndal

Friday, November 4, 2022 at 14h30
Auditoire Louis Guillaume F200, 2ème étage, entrée nord, rue Emile-Argand 11 (UniMail), 2000 Neuchâtel

To make progress is an objective in every scientific field. This holds for survey science as well, in particular for its applications in National Statistical Offices (NSO:s). In well over one hundred years of existence, the field can point to several periods of significant progress. At the present time, frequently mentioned challenges for progress are:
·         nonresponse is a serious threat to the validity of sample survey statistics;
·         high cost is affecting the traditional sample surveys, where probability sampling is a prominent feature;
·         a use of low-cost alternative data sources, big data and others, is tempting, but raises unresolved questions about quality and validity of survey statistics produced in such ways. 
The presentation offers some personal thoughts on progress in the field - especially in the last fifty years - as well as thoughts on how this may prepare for future progress, in light of the challenges mentioned.

Reference:    Laudan, L. (1977), Progress and its Problems. Towards a Theory of Scientific Growth. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

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