[Statlist] SST21 "Dati : da tutti per tutti" - call for abstracts now open / Swiss Statistical Society

office sss @@@ @end|ng |rom |m@d@ch
Tue Mar 16 18:49:05 CET 2021

Cari membri, dear members, liebe Mitglieder, chers membres,

the call for abstracts for the conference SST21 is now open. Talk,
lightning talk, poster, full workshop or even online mini course: a broad
choice of formats is being offered, in order to make this conference really
attractive, whatever the sanitary situation requests: in person, hybrid or

All information and technical details are to be found in the attached

Check also www.statistiktage.ch for news and updates about the conference
(format, program, etc.)


Rodolphe Dewarrat, administration of the Swiss Statistical Society

Swiss Statistical Society (SSS)
CH-3000 Bern
+41 32 544 14 30
+41 79 665 12 61
sss using stat.ch

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