[Statlist] Workshop on Causality and Extremes

Valérie Chavez v@|er|e@ch@vez @end|ng |rom un||@ch
Mon Mar 11 22:04:24 CET 2019

We are organizing a one day workshop on

"Causality and Extremes"

June 13, 2019
The workshop will take place at EPFL.

Registration to the workshop is free but mandatory. Maximum number of participants: 50.

Information and registration (before May 1, 2019) at : http://wp.unil.ch/causality-extremes/

Best regards,
Val�rie Chavez (on behalf of the organizers)

Dr. Val�rie Chavez-Demoulin
Professor of Statistics
Department of Operations
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of  Lausanne

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