[Statlist] SMURF Workshop on Survey Methods and their Use in Related Fields, 20-22 August 2018

WILHELM Matthieu m@tth|eu@w||he|m @end|ng |rom un|ne@ch
Wed May 30 10:44:23 CEST 2018

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a workshop on the recent advances in survey sampling and its connections with different fields of statistics. This event, called SMURF (Survey Methods and their Use in Related Fields) will take place at the University of Neuch�tel, Switzerland, in August 2018. You will find all the useful informations on the website of the conference. The program is now online, with the titles and abstracts of all the talks.

Do not hesitate to advertise the event to your colleagues. Students are obviously welcome!

Best Regards,

Guillaume Chauvet, Yves Till� and Matthieu Wilhelm


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