[Statlist] JOB: Instructorship in Statistics at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Davison Anthony @nthony@d@v|@on @end|ng |rom ep||@ch
Fri Dec 21 09:18:44 CET 2018

The School of Basic Sciences at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) invites applications for a full-time instructorship in Statistics, starting from August 1st 2019. The term of the position is two years, with the possibility of extension for another two years. Instructors will be expected to fulfill the standard teaching load of the Mathematics Section and to carry out an independent research program. EPFL salaries for instructors are highly competitive. In addition, instructors receive a substantial yearly budget for travel expenses and other expenditures.

Instructors are expected to be able to teach courses in French or English.

Applications include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, research plan, teaching record, and the names and addresses of at least three references.

Application files should be submitted in PDF format and uploaded via


by January 31st 2019.

For further information, please contact:

Ms Carole Weissenberger
Secretary of the Institute of Mathematics
E-mail: Carole.Weissenberger using epfl.ch<mailto:Carole.Weissenberger using epfl.ch>

The EPFL actively aims to increase the presence of women amongst its employees, and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

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