[Statlist] Friday, 17.11.2017, with Peter Orbanz, Columbia University, New York

Maurer Letizia |et|z|@m@urer @end|ng |rom ethz@ch
Tue Nov 14 15:25:42 CET 2017

E-mail from the  Statlist using stat.ch<mailto:Statlist using stat.ch>  mailing list
ETH and University of Zurich


Proff. P. Bühlmann - L. Held - T. Hothorn - M. Maathuis -
N. Meinshausen - S. van de Geer - M. Wolf


We are glad to announce the following talk:

Friday, 17.11.2017, 2017 at 15.15h  ETH Zurich HG G19.1
with Peter Orbanz, Columbia University, New York


after the talk, you are kindly invited to have tea, coffee and sweets at HG G14.1


Subsampling large graphs and symmetry in networks


Consider a very large graph---say, the link graph of a large social network. Now invent a randomized algorithm that extracts a smaller subgraph. If we use the subgraph as sample data and perform statistical analysis on this sample, what can we learn about the underlying network? Clearly, that should depend on the algorithm. We approach the problem by considering what distributional symmetries are satisfied by the algorithm. There is a specific algorithm for which the induced symmetry is precisely exchangeability. In this case, the appropriate statistical models are so-called graphon models, but things change drastically if seemingly minor modifications are made to the subsampler. I will discuss two types of results: (1) How symmetry properties explain what we can learn from a single sample. (2) Convergence properties of symmetric random variables: Laws of large numbers, central limit theorems and Berry-Esseen type bounds, which hold whether or not the symmetry property is derived from subsampling.

This abstract is also to be found under the following link: http://stat.ethz.ch/events/research_seminar


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