[Statlist] upcoming deep learning day

Sick Beate (sick) @|ck @end|ng |rom zh@w@ch
Thu Jun 15 06:46:39 CEST 2017

Dear deep learning enthusiasts,

We had great fun organizing the first deep learning day 2016<https://sites.google.com/site/sdsdlday2016/> and are pleased to announce a second deep learning day 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/>. We will again organize hands-on tutorials and would like to have an active participation and encourage you send in an abstract for a poster or talk by latest 1st of August 2017. Note that the number of participants will be limited to 60 persons, so poster presenters have a much greater chance to take part at the workshop.

  *   Dates:
     *   Date of the workshop 22. September 2017
     *   1st of August deadline posters / talks abstract
     *   14th of August notification of acceptance
     *   15th of August Opening of registration (cost: 50 CHF)
  *   Location: ZHAW Winterthur (Switzerland), School of Engineering room TB 330 (see map link on our DLD 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/> webpage)
  *   Details on the program, registration and abstract submission can be found on our DLD 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/> webpage which will be finalized by end of June.
We are looking forward to meeting you in September,

Oliver D�rr and Beate Sick
Datalab - The ZHAW Data Science Laboratory

IDP Institut f�r Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign

ZHAW Z�rcher Hochschule f�r Angewandte Wissenschaften

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