[Statlist] International Workshop on Non- and Semiparametric Statistics in Duesseldorf

Markus Pauly m@rku@@p@u|y @end|ng |rom hhu@de
Tue Jan 10 12:34:12 CET 2017

Dear Statlist subscribers,

the International Workshop on Non- and Semiparametric Statistics is in 
honour of Arnold Janssen on the occasion of his 65'th birthday and will 
take place on Friday /21 /and Saturday /22/ July 2017 in the Haus der 
Unversitaet, directly in the heart of Duesseldorf.
It is a satellite workshop to the European Meeting of Statisticians in 
Helsinki from 24-28 July and there are
direct 2h-flights from Duesseldorf to Helsinki.

We are very pleased to announce the following invited speakers (in 
alphabetical order):

  * Tasio del Barrio (Valladolid)
  * Rudy Beran (Davis)
  * Lutz Duembgen (Bern)
  * Estate Khmaladze (Wellington)
  * David Mason (Delaware)
  * Hartmut Milbrodt (Rostock)
  * Helmut Strasser (Vienna)
  * Aad van der Vaart (Leiden)
  * Jon Wellner (Seattle)

Please register on the website of the workshop under


_ where you can also find additional information. In particular, note 
that the fee of 30€ includes catering. _

_Hope to see you in Duesseldorf!

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