[Statlist] Research seminar in statistics FRIDAY APRIL 7th 2017, GSEM University of Geneva

Karen Longden Roure K@ren@Longden @end|ng |rom un|ge@ch
Mon Apr 3 09:05:31 CEST 2017

Dear All,

We are pleased to invite you to our next Research Seminar -

Looking forward to seeing you

Organisers :
E. Cantoni - D. La Vecchia - E. Ronchetti -
S. Sperlich - F. Trojani - M.-P. Victoria-Feser

FRIDAY APRIL 7th  2017 at 11h15, Uni-Mail M5220

Non-standard model building examplified by fish stock assessment
Anders Nielsen - Technical University of Denmark


(See attached)

Visit the website: http://www.stat-center.unige.ch/ressem.html

Best regards,

Karen Longden
Program Coordinator
MSc. in Management, MSc. in Economics, MSc. in Statistics

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