[Statlist] Postdoc position - computer simulation of reproducibility

h@@@o@wuerbei m@iii@g oii vetsuisse@u@ibe@ch h@@@o@wuerbei m@iii@g oii vetsuisse@u@ibe@ch
Thu Apr 2 11:20:34 CEST 2015

Dear all

A new 3 year postdoc position is becoming available in my lab to use statistical approaches to simulate reproducibility of results from animal experiments depending on variations in experimental design (see attached). I would be pleased if you forwarded this advert to potential candidates or colleagues who might know potential candidates.

Thank you very much!

Vetsuisse Fakultät, Universität Bern

Prof. Dr. Hanno Würbel
Abteilung Tierschutz
DCR-VPHI Vetsuisse Fakultät
Universität Bern
Länggassstrasse 120
3012  B e r n

Tel.: +41 31 631 25 30
Fax: +41 31 631 26 15
hanno.wuerbel using vetsuisse.unibe.ch<mailto:hanno.wuerbel using vetsuisse.unibe.ch>

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