A problem on creating fFOLIODATA-class object

s1155022273 at mailserv.cuhk.edu.hk s1155022273 at mailserv.cuhk.edu.hk
Sat Feb 16 15:05:35 CET 2013

Dear maintainer of package fPortfolio,

Hey guys!

I've came across a problem when creating fFOLIODATA-class object.

According to this fPortfolio document(Pg 10), the "data" parameter in function
portfolioData(data, spec = portfolioSpec()) is able to receive a list object:

"a time series or a named list, containing either a series of returns or named
entries ’mu’ and ’Sigma’ being mean and covariance matrix."

But when I attempted to pass a list object containing mu and Sigma matrix as
required to "data", an error was prompt: "Error: class(data) == "timeSeries" is
not TRUE". Here is my code:

    data <- list(mu = a_vector_of_mean, sigma = a_matrix_of_cov)
    p <- portfolioData(data, spec = portfolioSpec())

The reason I need to specify mu and sigma to create the data object is because
do not have return in time series. Any solution or advice will be highly

Thank you!

Todd Leo

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