Legacy .First.lib call in CRAN package ‘fRegression’

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Mon Oct 29 16:06:10 CET 2012

All packages installled under R >= 2.14.0 (and we are now at 2.15.2)
need a namepsace, but this package did not yet have one.  R CMD build
and R CMD INSTALL would add one, and we have now re-built your package
on CRAN to have such a namespace.

However, the package used a .First.lib function which should be
replaced by .onLoad, .onAttach or both, or if the sole purpose is to
load compiled code, by a useDynlib declaration in the NAMESPACE file.

Some packages are still using .First.lib() for library() calls: these
should be replaced by Depends: entries in DESCRIPTION, or removed if
there are already such entries.

Please review the automatically-generated NAMESPACE file and improve
it as needed.  Shortly .First.lib functions will no longer be used so
you will need to submit an update not making use of one.

There may be other issues that need fixing: see the CRAN check logs at
replacing NAME by the name of your package.

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