stabledist 0.6-0 uploaded to CRAN's incoming

Martin Maechler maechler at
Tue Mar 15 15:42:27 CET 2011

A few minutes ago, 
I have uploaded  stabledist_0.6-0 to CRAN's incoming.

This is a new, small package which "factors out" the
[dpqr]stable() functions {and stableMode()} of the  Rmetrics
package 'fBasics'.
The next version of fBasics will depend on 'stabledist'.


1) stabledist is small and compact, and if useRs only need one of
  the [dpqr]stable() functions, they now can get 'stabledist'
  instead of all of 'fBasics' (which itself depends on the
  "timeDate" and "timeSeries" packages).

2) dstable() has been considerably improved speedwise and in
   numerical boundary situations, where the previous fBasics
   version ended in an error, e.g.,
   dstable(4000., alpha=1.00001, beta=0.6)

3) the RUnit-based unit tests are now active, as they no longer
   take too much time.

Best regards,
Martin Maechler (for the Rmetrics team).

Martin <Maechler at>
Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zürich  HG G 16      Rämistrasse 101
phone: +41-44-632-3408       fax: ...-1228      <><

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