yahooKeystats function

J Toll jctoll at
Sun Jun 12 04:50:33 CEST 2011


I'm contacting you because I believe that the yahooKeystats function
in the current fImport package (Version:	2110.79) is broken.  It
appears that Yahoo changed their HTML slightly which has caused the
function to break.  Several months ago, I attempted to edit the
function and managed to get it working.  I posted those changes to the
R-SIG-FINANCE list in case anyone else was interested.

Since then, I started using the XML package for the processing of HTML
and went ahead and rewrote the yahooKeystats function using this
package.  I was wondering if you would be interested in using the
function I wrote in place of the broken yahooKeystats function?  I
believe this version might prove to be easier to maintain over time.

Best regards,

James Toll

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