Fwd: Bug: fOptions-MonteCarloOptions

Matthias Fuchs mat69 at gmx.net
Wed Jan 19 15:50:20 CET 2011


I already mailed Diethelm Wuertz [1] yet did not receive a response so far, 
that is why I send the mail again to you.
Hope this helps.


[1] Did not RTFM thorough and thus did not see the maintainer mail. ;)

----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------

Betreff: RMetrics: fOptions-MonteCarloOptions
Datum: Dienstag 11 Januar 2011, 18:24:04
Von: Matthias Fuchs <mat69 at gmx.net>
An:  Diethelm Wuertz <wuertz at itp.phys.ethz.ch>


I was trying to implement the Monte-Carlo-Simulation for a Plain Vanilla call 
(see ex.R), similar to the example in the documentation.

Yet I did not get meaningful results, it appeared to me as if the mcSteps 
variable is ignored in the payoff.calc function.

So I digged a little into the code:
There is a bug in MonteCarloOptions.R, see the attached mc1.patch.
Further the code could be optimized by avoiding the loop and the matrix 
transpose, see mc2.patch.

I did not run any unit tests so I am not sure if those would work with either 


PS.: I hope it is ok for me to send this mail directly to you.

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set.seed(0) #for reproduceable results

TypeFlag = "c"
S = 50
X = 40
r = 0.05
b = 0.05
vola = 0.4
Time = 1
delT = Time / 1

print(GBSOption(TypeFlag = TypeFlag, S = S, X = X, Time = Time, r = r, b = b, sigma = vola)) #14.48821

wienerPath <- function(randNum)
    path = (b - vola * vola / 2) * delT + vola * sqrt(delT) * randNum

plainVanillaPayoff = function(path)
    ST = S * exp(sum(path))
    if (TypeFlag == "c") {
        payoff = exp(-r * Time) * max(ST - X, 0)
    } else if (TypeFlag == "p") {
        payoff = exp(-r * Time) * max(0, X - ST)
    } else {
        payoff = NaN

mc = MonteCarloOption(delta.t = 1, pathLength = 1, mcSteps = 20000, mcLoops = 1, innovations.gen = rnorm.pseudo, path.gen = wienerPath, payoff.calc = plainVanillaPayoff,
antithetic = TRUE, standardization = FALSE, trace = TRUE)

## mc has a ridiculous value of 38.44424 despite 20,000 steps, with both patches it has a value of 14.50386
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