
Yohan Chalabi chalabi at phys.ethz.ch
Tue Feb 10 16:23:25 CET 2009

>>>> "DE" == Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
>>>> on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:06:19 -0600

   DE> Yohan, Diethelm,
   DE> On 30 January 2009 at 09:17, Yohan Chalabi wrote:
   DE> | BTW, have you noticed that the new Rmetrics packages
   DE> should not
   DE> | depend on 'fUtilities' which will be considered as deprecated
   DE> in the
   DE> | future.
   DE> |
   DE> | If you are using 'fCalendar' and 'fSeries', please move to
   DE> their new
   DE> | versions named timeDate and timeSeries respectively.
   DE> Would it be possible to get more regular updates about what is,
   DE> or is not, or
   DE> will be, or will no longer be, part of what is considered to
   DE> be Rmetrics ?

Hi Dirk!

FYI we made two announcements on the mailing-list describing the changes
in the packages. 

   DE> Maybe it is just me, but I find it confusing that a project
   DE> called 'Rmetrics'
   DE> once had a package called Rmetrics which it no longer has
   DE> ... The calendar /
   DE> date package transition wasn't all that smooth either. As start,
   DE> a high-level

not smooth? To recall, we made important changes in the S4 objects.
So, we decided to rename the packages to avoid backward compatibilities.

As you might have noticed, the old packages are still available on CRAN.

And when one loads the old packages, one gets a banner
encouraging to switch to the new version.

   DE> changelog and/or roadmap could be added to the wiki.  You may
   DE> also want to
   DE> use this list. And/or the r-packages or r-sig-finance list.

The ChangeLog is a good point. I have started to add a ChangeLog in the

   DE> Finally, I personally would also vote for re-instating the
   DE> Rmetrics package
   DE> as it can give you at least a small hook (by looking at the
   DE> search path, or
   DE> at installed.packages(), or ...) into alerting actual users
   DE> to the fact that
   DE> they still have something installed that you now deem
   DE> deprecated.  Otherwise,
   DE> I fear you will be confronted with this problem for a long
   DE> time indeed.

You can get the list of all Rmetrics packages from our website with

pkgsRmetrics() # will give you the list of the packages and 
install.Rmetrics() # should install all packages.

or search all Rmetrics help pages at http://help.rmetrics.org

These are new tools and we will announce them on the mailing-list as
soon as we have finished our ebook on portfolio optimization
with Rmetrics.

Best regards,

   DE> Just my sh.02.
   DE> Regards, Dirk

PhD student
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology


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