move of Rmetrics -> R-forge

Yohan Chalabi chalabi at
Mon Feb 25 11:07:39 CET 2008

Hi Martin,

How are you doing?

In one of our last emails you said that the move of Rmetrics to R-forge
would be non-trivial and one of the reason was to keep the svn history.

This morning I had a look at the svn manual and it appears that you can
split a big project in sub-projects without too much of hassles. For
example it could be done for package fBasics as follows.

svnadmin dump [path/to/Rmetircs/svn/server] > Rmetrics.dump
svndumpfiler include fBasics < Rmetrics.dump > fBasics.dump

then one needs to manually edit the fBasics.dump to remove the
top-level directory Rmetrics.

More details can be found in section "Filtering Repository History" of
svn manual

Would it be possible to see you this week to discuss it?


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