Status Rmetrics for R 2.6.0

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at
Mon Oct 8 15:45:38 CEST 2007

Hi Diethelm,

On 8 October 2007 at 15:01, Diethelm Wuertz wrote:
| Dear Rmetrics-Core List Memebers,
| Dear Kurt, Dirk,
| Thanks for all the comments I got so far for the new Rmetrics distribution.
| The Current Status is the following
| 1.
| Now I have resubmitted all packages under Version
| Number Rmetrics 260.72. I hope that now everything will be fine:

Why all?  That makes a lot of manual work for Kurt, and to a lesser degree
for me.

| You can have a look on all package reports including
| the major log,  install, and unit test files:
| 2.
| Rdonlp is removed from package fPortfolio, so all packages
| can also become part of Debian.

Not so fast:

i)  You didn't fix the dependence on akima. Or at least you didn't tell us.

ii) I submitted RUnit, robustbase, and mnormt to Debian. The last is really
    silly as already have the 'other multivaritate normal/t' (named mvtnorm) 
    but whatever....  In any event, mnormt needs to be included so that I 
    can then build sn, and then we still need to wait for sn to be included.

    So as I asked before: next we hardwire new Depends, and early heads-up 
    would help.

Best regards, Dirk
| Regards
| Diethelm

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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