[OGRUG] Examples using Oracle

Paul Gilbert pgilbert902 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 18:34:43 CEST 2014

There are really two separate questions here: how to import data from 
Oracle? and how to make a graph in R?

For the second, there are lots of examples ( eg 
http://rgraphgallery.blogspot.ca/ ).

The first is more difficult to find examples because one needs access to 
an Oracle database. If you have that and some standard SQL queries that 
extract the data you want then we can probably work out some examples. I 
don't currently have Oracle, but standard SQL queries are not very 
different from one engine to another. (It is the enhancements that are 

It is the installation of the R packages that is likely to be most 
difficult. The two options are packages ROracle and RODBC.  I would 
generally prefer ROracle unless your database administrators are 
enforcing use of ODBC only. Certainly I would not recommend RODBC unless 
it is supported on the database end.


On 04/27/2014 05:39 PM, Amin Adatia wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone have examples of using R to plot graphs from data tables in Oracle database?
> Regards
> Amin Adatia (amin at knowtech.ca)
> KnowTech Solutions Inc. (www.knowtech.ca)
> Mobile : +1-613-864-8378
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