[R-SIG-Win] Rtools44

Tomas Kalibera tom@@@k@||ber@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Mar 19 19:07:37 CET 2024

On 3/19/24 18:32, Avraham Adler wrote:
> Thank you very much, Tomas.
> I guess when the variables were recast to long long, the compiler
> tried to use AVX2 commands.
This is just an optimization for quick copying of a C structure on the 
stack. This structure (regparams_t) has 8 ints, in this case.
> This is rather disappointing from GCC's
> end; there isn't much we in R can do. As this bug has been around for
> over a dozen years, and the last comment is two years ago, I do not
> have hope that anything will be fixed in my lifetime.
> Being restricted to Windows, are the only two options to disable all
> AVX2 or use "-Wa,-muse-unaligned-vector-move"? There is no alternative
> easy-to-drop-in toolchain to build R from source on Windows, is there?

I would recommend you first check whether actually disabling AVX2 (or 
using "-Wa,-muse-unaligned-vector-move" with AVX2) makes any difference 
in performance for your use cases. Maybe not.

There is no supported drop-in replacement toolchain that would work with 
R and packages on x86_64. It is very likely that some LLVM-based 
toolchain would work after a small amount of tweaks, as after all Rtools 
with LLVM is being used on aarch64, so R has been and packages are being 
fixed to work with it, but you would be on your own. And note that 
flang-new is not yet stable, so you might still have to use gfortran.

> As someone who develops packages requiring source code but is
> restricted to Windows, I am loath to reduce the power of my code,
> unless I must. Any advice or suggestions you may have would be greatly
> appreciated.

GCC is like other open-source software. Submitting a good, well-tested 
patch, increases the chances things get fixed. Corporations that have 
the money can also pay experts specializing in compiler implementation 
to prepare such a patch.


> Thank you for figuring this out,
> Avi
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 12:15 PM Tomas Kalibera
> <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 3/19/24 17:05, Tomas Kalibera wrote:
>>> On 3/19/24 15:33, Avraham Adler wrote:
>>>> For completeness, I compiled R from source using the native BLAS, and
>>>> make check fails again, this time on "aregexec". Running "agrep" from
>>>> within Rgui causes it to crash to desktop. Could it be something to do
>>>> with this:
>>>> https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/ba486d898c2698c2afb678abdab807510327541e?
>>>> But that didn't affect aregexc or adist? This is beyond my
>>>> understanding, but I'm happy to do any tests you need to help identify
>>>> what is going on.
>>> I can reproduce the problem (without LTO, without openblas), just by
>>> "-O3 -march=native" and running
>>> agrep("lasy", "1 lazy 2")
>>> which crashes R.
>>> The crash happens in do_agrep from agrep.c, when calling tre_regaexec:
>>>          } else {
>>>              const char *s = translateChar(STRING_ELT(vec, i));
>>>              if(mbcslocale && !mbcsValid(s))
>>>                  error(_("input string %lld is invalid in this locale"),
>>>                        (long long)i+1);
>>>              rc = tre_regaexec(&reg, s, &match, params, 0);  // <===
>>> here (line 242)
>>>              vmaxset(vmax);
>>>          }
>>>     0x00007fff79c642da <+1290>:  mov    0x50(%rsp),%rdx
>>>     0x00007fff79c642df <+1295>:  test   %eax,%eax
>>>     0x00007fff79c642e1 <+1297>:  je     0x7fff79c6522a <do_agrep+5210>
>>>     0x00007fff79c642e7 <+1303>:  movl   $0x0,0x20(%rsp)
>>>     0x00007fff79c642ef <+1311>:  mov    0x38(%rsp),%rcx
>>>     0x00007fff79c642f4 <+1316>:  mov    %r15,%r8
>>>     0x00007fff79c642f7 <+1319>:  lea    0x80(%rsp),%r9
>>>     0x00007fff79c642ff <+1327>:  vmovdqu 0xb0(%rsp),%ymm4
>>> => 0x00007fff79c64308 <+1336>:  vmovdqa %ymm4,0x80(%rsp)
>>>     0x00007fff79c64311 <+1345>:  vzeroupper
>>>     0x00007fff79c64314 <+1348>:  call   0x7fff79d183d0 <tre_regaexec>
>>> And it happens because of incorrect alignment in an AVX2 instruction.
>>> In the above, vmovdqa is used as a second step of copying the
>>> regparams_t structure to the stack (to be passed as 4th argument of
>>> tre_regaexec). But GCC uses 0x80(%rsp) for that, which happens only to
>>> be 16-byte aligned, but not 32-byte aligned. AVX2 requires this to be
>>> 32-byte aligned in vmovdqa instruction, and hence the program segfaults.
>>> This is a long standing bug in GCC that has been reported long time
>>> ago: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=54412
>>> It must be a coincidence that you haven't run into this with GCC 12.3
>>> and earlier (so earlier versions of Rtools for Windows).
>>> I think the simplest and most reliable work-around is to not use AVX2
>>> with GCC on Windows.
>> You can also use "-Wa,-muse-unaligned-vector-move" option for the GNU
>> assembler (add to optimization options), which will make the assembler
>> use instructions that don't require memory to be aligned. Whether it
>> would still be beneficial for performance to use AVX2 in the end or not
>> probably depends on the code.
>> Best
>> Tomas
>>> Best
>>> Tomas
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Avi
>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:58 PM Avraham Adler
>>>> <avraham.adler using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I ran "tools::testInstalledBasic("both")" from within Rterm, and it
>>>>> failed on reg-tests-1a, and doesn't that last call in the FAIL look
>>>>> familiar? Three times isn;t coincidence. What could be causing
>>>>> agrep/adist to fail?
>>>>> Avi
>>>>>> a <- c("NA", NA, "BANANA")
>>>>>> na <- NA_character_
>>>>>> a1 <- substr(a,1,1)
>>>>>> stopifnot(is.na(a1)==is.na(a))
>>>>>> a2 <- substring(a,1,1)
>>>>>> stopifnot(is.na(a2)==is.na(a))
>>>>>> a3 <- sub("NA","na",a)
>>>>>> stopifnot(is.na(a3)==is.na(a))
>>>>>> a3 <- gsub("NA","na",a)
>>>>>> stopifnot(is.na(a3)==is.na(a))
>>>>>> substr(a3, 1, 2) <- "na"
>>>>>> stopifnot(is.na(a3)==is.na(a))
>>>>>> substr(a3, 1, 2) <- na
>>>>>> stopifnot(all(is.na(a3)))
>>>>>> stopifnot(agrep("NA", a) == c(1, 3))
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:52 PM Avraham Adler
>>>>> <avraham.adler using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, Tomas.
>>>>>> I ran check again and this time it failed on base. Base failed at
>>>>>> "agrep" and utils failed at "adist" if that triggers any ideas.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Avi
>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:49 PM Avraham Adler
>>>>>> <avraham.adler using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello, Tomas.
>>>>>>> I had hoped that my problem was that I was linking to OpenBLAS built
>>>>>>> under Rtools43, but sadly that is not the case, as I built OpenBLAS
>>>>>>> using Rtools44 and I still get the error in 'utils'. I do have
>>>>>>> Rtools43 installed on this machine, but I am doing eveything from the
>>>>>>> Rtools44 bash. My MkRules.local follows:
>>>>>>> USE_ATLAS = YES
>>>>>>> ATLAS_PATH = C:/R/OPB/OPB_03.26_1T_44
>>>>>>> EOPTS = -march=native -pipe -mno-rtm
>>>>>>> LTO = -flto=1 -fuse-linker-plugin
>>>>>>> LTO_OPT = -flto=1 -fuse-linker-plugin
>>>>>>> LTO_FC = -flto=1 -fuse-linker-plugin
>>>>>>> LTO_FC_OPT = -flto=1 -fuse-linker-plugin
>>>>>>> QPDF = C:/R/qpdf-11.9.0-msvc64
>>>>>>> OPENMP = -fopenmp
>>>>>>> I also make the following change to Makefile.win in
>>>>>>> /src/extra/blas as
>>>>>>> I have been doing for more than a decade:
>>>>>>> --- /c/r/trunk/src/extra/blas/Makefile.win    2024-01-24
>>>>>>> 18:34:42.755255900 +0000
>>>>>>> +++ /c/r/Makefile.win    2024-01-24 18:39:39.716458000 +0000
>>>>>>> @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
>>>>>>>    ../../../$(BINDIR)/Rblas.dll: blas00.o ../../gnuwin32/dllversion.o
>>>>>>>        @$(ECHO) -------- Building $@ --------
>>>>>>>        $(DLL) -s -shared $(DLLFLAGS) -o $@ $^ Rblas.def \
>>>>>>> -       -L../../../$(IMPDIR) -lR  -L"$(ATLAS_PATH)" -lf77blas -latlas
>>>>>>> +       -L../../../$(IMPDIR) -lR -L"$(ATLAS_PATH)" -fopenmp
>>>>>>> -lopenblas
>>>>>>>    else
>>>>>>>    ../../../$(BINDIR)/Rblas.dll: blas.o blas2.o cmplxblas.o
>>>>>>> cmplxblas2.o
>>>>>>> ../../gnuwin32/dllversion.o
>>>>>>>        @$(ECHO) -------- Building $@ --------
>>>>>>> The utils-Ex.Rout.fail is 1188 lines long and I don't see any obvious
>>>>>>> point of failure. The last few lines are:
>>>>>>>> cleanEx()
>>>>>>>> nameEx("adist")
>>>>>>>> ### * adist
>>>>>>>> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
>>>>>>>> ### Name: adist
>>>>>>>> ### Title: Approximate String Distances
>>>>>>>> ### Aliases: adist
>>>>>>>> ### Keywords: character
>>>>>>>> ### ** Examples
>>>>>>>> ## Cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
>>>>>>>> adist("kitten", "sitting")
>>>>>>>        [,1]
>>>>>>> [1,]    3
>>>>>>>> ## To see the transformation counts for the Levenshtein distance:
>>>>>>>> drop(attr(adist("kitten", "sitting", counts = TRUE), "counts"))
>>>>>>> ins del sub
>>>>>>>     1   0   2
>>>>>>>> ## To see the transformation sequences:
>>>>>>>> attr(adist(c("kitten", "sitting"), counts = TRUE), "trafos")
>>>>>>>        [,1]      [,2]
>>>>>>> [1,] "MMMMMM"  "SMMMSMI"
>>>>>>> [2,] "SMMMSMD" "MMMMMMM"
>>>>>>>> ## Cf. the examples for agrep:
>>>>>>>> adist("lasy", "1 lazy 2")
>>>>>>>        [,1]
>>>>>>> [1,]    5
>>>>>>>> ## For a "partial approximate match" (as used for agrep):
>>>>>>>> adist("lasy", "1 lazy 2", partial = TRUE)
>>>>>>> The build works under Rtools43. Should I uninstall both versions of
>>>>>>> Rtools, my current R installation, and its library and try again? I'm
>>>>>>> doubtful that will help as my "active" R installation is in a
>>>>>>> completely different directory, but I am willing to try. If there is
>>>>>>> any output or other tests I can do, please let me know. Or, if you
>>>>>>> think I should raise this on r-devel.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Avi
>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 4:08 AM Tomas Kalibera
>>>>>>> <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Avi,
>>>>>>>> On 3/17/24 17:53, Avraham Adler wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello, Tomas.
>>>>>>>>> As always, thank you for your incessant hard work. I have compiled
>>>>>>>>> R-devel 86144 using Rtools44 and it completes normally. However, it
>>>>>>>>> fails very early in make check-devel. Specifically, I get the
>>>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>>>> below, and have received it more than once. Is this something to
>>>>>>>>> raise
>>>>>>>>> on R-devel or is it an Rtools44-specific issue?
>>>>>>>> I can't tell from this output. Could you please try to get a more
>>>>>>>> specific error output?
>>>>>>>> Could you please share your compiler options (e.g. MkRules.local)
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> indeed if you made any modifications to the code?
>>>>>>>> Also, as always, it is worth making sure that all code has been
>>>>>>>> rebuilt
>>>>>>>> using the new Rtools - e.g. delete any old package library for
>>>>>>>> R-devel
>>>>>>>> (4.4) you may have on your system.
>>>>>>>> The testing done by myself and CRAN only covers the default
>>>>>>>> compilation
>>>>>>>> options as specified in the make files.
>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>> Tomas
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Avi
>>>>>>>>> $ make check-devel
>>>>>>>>> Testing examples for package 'base'
>>>>>>>>> Testing examples for package 'tools'
>>>>>>>>>      comparing 'tools-Ex.Rout' to 'tools-Ex.Rout.save' ... NOTE
>>>>>>>>>      1046,1047d1045
>>>>>>>>>      < Warning in file(con, "r") :
>>>>>>>>>      <   file("") only supports open = "w+" and open = "w+b":
>>>>>>>>> using the former
>>>>>>>>>      1050,1051c1048,1049
>>>>>>>>>      <  $ file    : chr ""
>>>>>>>>>      <  $ title   : chr ""
>>>>>>>>>      ---
>>>>>>>>>      >  $ file    : chr "grid.Rnw"
>>>>>>>>>      >  $ title   : chr "Introduction to grid"
>>>>>>>>> Testing examples for package 'utils'
>>>>>>>>> Error: testing 'utils' failed
>>>>>>>>> Execution halted
>>>>>>>>> make[3]: *** [Makefile.win:29: test-Examples-Base] Error 1
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [Makefile.common:208: test-Examples] Error 2
>>>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [Makefile.common:193: test-all-basics] Error 1
>>>>>>>>> make: *** [Makefile:333: check-devel] Error 2
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 4:45 AM Tomas Kalibera
>>>>>>>>> <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear R Windows developers,
>>>>>>>>>> there is now a new toolchain for R for Windows, Rtools44. It is
>>>>>>>>>> now used
>>>>>>>>>> by R-devel and is intended for R 4.4.0.
>>>>>>>>>> Compared to Rtools43, it uses GCC 13 and updates other core
>>>>>>>>>> components.
>>>>>>>>>> See
>>>>>>>>>> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/rtools44/news.html
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> a detailed list of changes.
>>>>>>>>>> All users of R-devel who need to compile R packages with source
>>>>>>>>>> code in
>>>>>>>>>> C, C++ or Fortran should install Rtools44. From the user
>>>>>>>>>> perspective,
>>>>>>>>>> Rtools44 works the same way as Rtools43. See
>>>>>>>>>> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/howto-R-devel.html for
>>>>>>>>>> instructions on how to build R-devel and packages for this
>>>>>>>>>> version of R.
>>>>>>>>>> It is recommended to re-install packages that need compilation
>>>>>>>>>> to avoid
>>>>>>>>>> potential incompatibilities with code built using Rtools43.
>>>>>>>>>> Rtools44 also includes an experimental version for 64-bit ARM
>>>>>>>>>> machines,
>>>>>>>>>> using LLVM 17 (and clang, flang-new, lld, libc++) - the aarch64
>>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>> of Rtools has its own installer and distribution tarballs.
>>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>>> Tomas
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