[R-SIG-Win] Rtools44

Tomas Kalibera tom@@@k@||ber@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Mar 18 09:08:22 CET 2024

Hello Avi,

On 3/17/24 17:53, Avraham Adler wrote:
> Hello, Tomas.
> As always, thank you for your incessant hard work. I have compiled
> R-devel 86144 using Rtools44 and it completes normally. However, it
> fails very early in make check-devel. Specifically, I get the output
> below, and have received it more than once. Is this something to raise
> on R-devel or is it an Rtools44-specific issue?
I can't tell from this output. Could you please try to get a more 
specific error output?
Could you please share your compiler options (e.g. MkRules.local) and 
indeed if you made any modifications to the code?

Also, as always, it is worth making sure that all code has been rebuilt 
using the new Rtools - e.g. delete any old package library for R-devel 
(4.4) you may have on your system.

The testing done by myself and CRAN only covers the default compilation 
options as specified in the make files.


> Thank you,
> Avi
> $ make check-devel
> Testing examples for package 'base'
> Testing examples for package 'tools'
>    comparing 'tools-Ex.Rout' to 'tools-Ex.Rout.save' ... NOTE
>    1046,1047d1045
>    < Warning in file(con, "r") :
>    <   file("") only supports open = "w+" and open = "w+b": using the former
>    1050,1051c1048,1049
>    <  $ file    : chr ""
>    <  $ title   : chr ""
>    ---
>    >  $ file    : chr "grid.Rnw"
>    >  $ title   : chr "Introduction to grid"
> Testing examples for package 'utils'
> Error: testing 'utils' failed
> Execution halted
> make[3]: *** [Makefile.win:29: test-Examples-Base] Error 1
> make[2]: *** [Makefile.common:208: test-Examples] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [Makefile.common:193: test-all-basics] Error 1
> make: *** [Makefile:333: check-devel] Error 2
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 4:45 AM Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear R Windows developers,
>> there is now a new toolchain for R for Windows, Rtools44. It is now used
>> by R-devel and is intended for R 4.4.0.
>> Compared to Rtools43, it uses GCC 13 and updates other core components.
>> See https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/rtools44/news.html for
>> a detailed list of changes.
>> All users of R-devel who need to compile R packages with source code in
>> C, C++ or Fortran should install Rtools44. From the user perspective,
>> Rtools44 works the same way as Rtools43. See
>> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/howto-R-devel.html for
>> instructions on how to build R-devel and packages for this version of R.
>> It is recommended to re-install packages that need compilation to avoid
>> potential incompatibilities with code built using Rtools43.
>> Rtools44 also includes an experimental version for 64-bit ARM machines,
>> using LLVM 17 (and clang, flang-new, lld, libc++) - the aarch64 version
>> of Rtools has its own installer and distribution tarballs.
>> Best
>> Tomas
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