[R-wiki] hyperlink to R doc from wiki R script

Philippe Grosjean phgrosjean at sciviews.org
Fri Jan 27 17:02:25 CET 2006

I am currently working with the idea of ''rhelp.php'' which allows to 
link any R function to its man page. Indeed, what we are trying to do 
here is very close to the builtin DokuWiki 'search' feature: it lists 
all corresponding man pages... plus a series of pages where the keyword 
also appears.

I just changed the link for GeSHi so that it points now to the search 
page. Look for instance at:
http://www.sciviews.org/_rgui/wiki/doku.php?id=varia:test_calltip, and 
at the middle of the page, click on "mean" in:

x <- rnorm(500)
mean(x) # I have no calltip for mean()... but the link works (click on 
'mean' in the code)!

At the top of the page, we have "matching pagenames" with all 
corresponding man page. At the bottom, we have a list of pages where 
that name appears, sorted by hits... sounds not too bad!

Now, two problems remain:
1) What about man pages that have different names than the function they 
document? Solution: "Rdconv-to-wiki" could analyze all /alias{...} and 
create "redirection" pages... relatively easy!

2) What about generic functions? Well, we could make a specific section 
in the documentation called documentation:0__methods__, or so, and fill 
it with one page per generic function, linking to all methods pages.

That way, we don't need the ''rhelp.php'' piece of code. Your comments?

Philippe Grosjean

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