[R-sig-teaching] R book for teaching math & science in high school

Brian Dennis dr@o|@ch@o@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Jan 4 19:16:19 CET 2020

Here is a book that introduces R programming for use in high school or
college math and science courses:


The book is written for absolute beginners in programming concepts and is
one of the most elementary books about R available.  The focus of the book
is not statistics per se but rather scientific graphing, calculation,
modeling, and simulation.  Collected reviews of the book can be found here:


The topics are very vanilla R, no RStudio, no ggplot, no dplyr, etc.  The
choice of topics was deliberate so as not to overwhelm students.  The math
level is high school algebra.  The scientific examples treated are quite
real and engaging.

With the move in education toward trying to teach "coding" in schools, one
might ask why not use Python, Java, C+, etc.  The answer is clear:
students can do more cool stuff with R with much less code and computer
science overhead.  As well, the supporting online instructional
environment, with zillions of websites, tutorials, and videos, is hard to
beat.  For future STEM workers, R is the ideal gateway drug!

I have even taught graphing and calculating in R to elementary school
students.  They are eager and enthusiastic and take to it as fast as the
older students.

Readin', Ritin', Rithmetic, and R!

Brian Dennis, Professor
University of Idaho USA

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