[R-sig-teaching] Using R in an introductory stats course for non-stat/math majors using Lock5 text

Christopher David Desjardins cdde@j@rd|n@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Dec 3 18:10:31 CET 2019

Also, I am not wedded to a GUI, I'd be happy to just use R but I want to
make sure the code doesn't get interfere with learning the methods and
concepts, which I think at their level is more important.


On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 12:07 PM Christopher David Desjardins <
cddesjardins using gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Randall,
> Thanks for the email.
> I was indeed quite happy to see your PDF on the Lock website when I began
> teaching the course. The last time I looked at your PDF, it it looked like
> it was mostly code to do replicate their examples in R, which while
> helpful, isn't quite what I'm looking for. I'd love for them to learn R in
> that manner, but I think it's slightly beyond their skill set.
> Ideally here's what I'd like.
> I would have the StatKey interface for bootstrapping and randomization
> tests written in Shiny (or a similar toolkit with R as the backend) such
> that there is a main plot that shows the bootstrap or randomization
> distributions (with an option to set the seed) and two side plots to show
> the original sample and the current bootstrap/randomization sample. If
> possible, I'd like the "current" sample plot to be updated based on the
> statistic that is hovered over in the main plot (probably this could be
> done with ggplot2 and an additional package or d3.js). As far as I can tell
> nothing like this exists for R or Shiny (I'd love to be wrong, though). So,
> basically a one-to-one port of StatKey to R.
> It would be great to see this functionality packaged in a Shiny app under
> a tab called "Inference via Simulation". Another tab might be called
> "Theory-based Inference" (or some better name), that provided a drop down
> menu to select a test (binomial, t-test, regression, ANOVA, chi-square), an
> option to calculate an arbitrary CI, a plot of the data for assumption
> checking, model output printed, and a plot showing the p-value all within
> that tab. This could be broken up to make it a little less busy. Finally
> there might be another tab for just "Exploring the Data" both numerically
> or graphically (essentially a tab for EDA). Additionally, there might be
> the option to show/hide the R code. I would like students to be able to
> upload the data as a CSV to the app.
> I've got quite a bit of experience making Shiny apps, but don't want to
> create one if someone has already made something similar to this that I
> could either fork or just use.
> Regarding JASP and jamovi, I found their language to be weird and creating
> confidence intervals cumbersome. E.g., creating a confidence interval for a
> mean, as far as I could tell, requires running a one sample t-test, making
> sure H_0 the Test Value(?) is set to 0 otherwise the CI won't make sense,
> clicking location parameter, and then setting the confidence interval and
> hoping the students don't select effect size instead, which they do. In
> JASP, you can't edit data directly but must edit it in Excel. and you can
> edit directly in Rcmdr. JASP's focus on Bayesian is also confusing for my
> non-Bayesian course as students select the wrong tests very easily. I do
> love that they have the ability to export to LaTeX tables by default, very
> nice. Also, in JASP you can't get dot plots, which I think are very helpful
> for teaching. Neither software is capable of bootstrapping and
> randomization tests as far as I know.
> Chris
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 9:53 AM Randall Pruim <rpruim using calvin.edu> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> The Lock5withR package includes all the data sets (first edition at this
>> point) with more traditional R encoding than the package provided by the
>> authors.
>> Soon (I hope — it’s just pending a final review and polish), there will
>> also be a companion volume as a bookdown document using R, mosaic, and
>> ggformula to recreate all the examples.  An older version is available as a
>> PDF here:
>> http://www.lock5stat.com/other/Lock5withR.pdf
>> For "StatCrunch in shiny", perhaps you can say a bit more about what you
>> are looking for and how jamovi and JASP fall short.
>> I hope you find a solutions that works well for you.
>> —rjp
>> On Dec 3, 2019, at 9:25 AM, Manuel Spínola <mspinola10 using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Chris,
>> How about Radiant?
>> Manuel
>> El mar., 3 dic. 2019 a las 7:53, Christopher David Desjardins (<
>> cddesjardins using gmail.com>) escribió:
>> Hi,
>> I teach an introductory statistics course for non-stat/math majors that
>> are
>> primarily coming from the social sciences or business. I am using the Lock
>> textbook,
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.lock5stat.com_&d=DwIFaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=S6U-baLhvGcJ7iUQX_KZ6K2om1TTOeUI_-mjRpTrm00&m=rvRMe6UbaU3kDRIQHpLP_3zbje0eW1UBt3Fp6o9KSec&s=qnNW5anVawrMQVNo45I1_4M8Tw3ljsmBYw4qusBVUxs&e=
>> , and their software StatKey,
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.lock5stat.com_StatKey_&d=DwIFaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=S6U-baLhvGcJ7iUQX_KZ6K2om1TTOeUI_-mjRpTrm00&m=rvRMe6UbaU3kDRIQHpLP_3zbje0eW1UBt3Fp6o9KSec&s=N3nV9BtqXRK3zJlRPrEQoqs1wssIPU_MFhAB46Kgf8E&e=
>> . I really like the way that StatKey does
>> randomization tests and bootstrapping, however, I don't like that it's not
>> possible to perform theory-based tests on their website (e.g., if I wanted
>> my students to perform an independent samples t-test not by hand or run a
>> simple linear regression).
>> Ideally what I was hoping for was to use R in my introductory classes but
>> to have some way to make it less intimidating. I want my students to be
>> able to run descriptives and create basic graphics (including dot plots),
>> randomization tests, bootstrapping, and run t-tests, chi-square, ANOVA,
>> and
>> regression.
>> I tried using RStudio, but it is still overkill for what I want my
>> students
>> to be able to do. They don't need an IDE. Randall Pruim has kindly made a
>> PDF for using R with Lock5, but that is too much for what I want my
>> students need. Programming isn't a principal outcome of my course.
>> I have looked in JASP and jamovi as well, but they don't fit my needs.
>> The closest thing I have found to what I'm looking for is Rcmdr, but it
>> freezes on my Mac periodically regardless of if I use it from the
>> Terminal,
>> the R GUI, or RStudio. Has anyone else encountered that issue? Rcmdr is
>> great because it's GUI driven but also pastes the R code, which is nice
>> for
>> the more advanced students in the class.
>> What I am wondering is.
>> 1. Is anyone using R with Lock5 and how do you use R to do it?
>> 2. Does anyone know of a Shiny app that does what StatKey does AND
>> includes
>> some options for descriptives and inference similar to Rcmdr? I am
>> basically looking for a Shiny StatCrunch.
>> I have thought about creating a Shiny app to do all of this, but if
>> someone
>> already has a wonderful solution, I don't want to reinvent the wheel. I
>> created something very, very basic[1] for my students just to explore the
>> Lock5 data and I just might need to expand on it to get what I want.
>> Thanks for reading my long winded email,
>> Chris
>> [1]:
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__cddesja.shinyapps.io_lock5explorer_&d=DwIFaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=S6U-baLhvGcJ7iUQX_KZ6K2om1TTOeUI_-mjRpTrm00&m=rvRMe6UbaU3kDRIQHpLP_3zbje0eW1UBt3Fp6o9KSec&s=ngdgop1Zp6IG6qxQPENeSz7lk7jGaKc413s_nBuJ7C4&e=
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>> *Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.*
>> Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
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