[R-sig-teaching] Optimizing loop

Manel Amado Martí amado at cambrasabadell.org
Thu Feb 5 09:08:21 CET 2015

I'm processing a table database. To do that, I put it in a dataframe, and then I do the data processing (normalization of some fields). I'm used to program in C, and some R's facilities are not so natural to me, please, excuse me if the question is for "dummies".
In the processing, I want to substitute some field's value depending on the previous content. For example, if field starts with a digit instead of an alpha character, the entire field from the actual row, I'll replace it with "SOLPD". I'm sure that would be another way (maybe through some apply function), but I can't figure how to do.
The code that I'm using now, is:
for( i in 1:nrow(dataframe2)) {
                        sprintf("elimina NIF autònom: % i\n",i)

Thank you for your attention!

Manel Amado i Martí
Cap d'Assessoria de Comerç Interior
amado at cambrasabadell.org<mailto:amado at cambrasabadell.org>
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