[R-sig-teaching] Random effet ANOVA, presentation like the classic one.

Christophe Genolini cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Thu Jan 8 15:40:38 CET 2015

Hi the list,

I am teaching ANOVA with R. The classic case is quite easy:

#--- 8< ---------------
n <- 8        # number of individual in each group.
kSport <- 3   # kA number of sport groups
kSchool <- 2  # kB Number of possible school

size <- rep(c(-10+15,+20+15,-10+15,-10-15,+30-15,-20-15),each=n)+rnorm(n*kSport,170,10)
sport <- factor(rep(rep(paste("a",1:kSport,sep=""),each=n),kSchool))
school <- factor(rep(paste("b",1:kSchool,sep=""),each=n*kSport))


              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
sport         2  13955    6978   68.91 5.46e-14 ***
school        1  10800   10800  106.65 4.25e-13 ***
sport:school  2    800     400    3.95   0.0268 *
Residuals    42   4253     101
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

#--- 8< --------------

The model with some random effect is :

#--- 8< --------------
#--- 8< --------------

But I did not get the computation of the f (fSportSchool=400/101.3=3.960 ; fsport=6978/400=17.445 
and fSchool=10800/400=27).
So is there a way to get them?

I would like to get:

#--- 8< --------------
              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
sport         2  13955    6978   17.445       ?
school        1  10800   10800   27.000       ?
sport:school  2    800     400    3.960       ?
Residuals    42   4253     101
#--- 8< --------------

Thanks for you help.

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