[R-sig-teaching] ANOVA questions

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Sat Jul 2 21:12:20 CEST 2011


I am not totally sure where to post this query so forgive me if this is the wrong SIG. However, I do teach stats in conjunction with experimental design and the question is one that is of considerable interest right now to several of my grad students and myself - hence this presents a weak rationale for sending the query to this listserv.

As background, I am very familiar with Type III marginal SS for ANOVAs. However, we have a situation where a reviewer is insisting on an analysis that requires thin slicing our data so that we do not have observations in some of the cells for some of our Ss. I think I understand what R is telling me, but I am not positive that I do. Even worse, I don't know how to explain the analysis (assuming I have interpreted it correctly) to the editor or to the readers of the journal who, like me, are familiar with Type III ANOVAs. 

I have tried to attach the R file plus the data file to this email. I am not sure whether the listserv will allow attachments. If not these files can be found here:

Rcode:  files.me.com/graywayne/7z7db3
data:     files.me.com/graywayne/688878

What I think is the "takeaway" point is that there is no evidence in our data that the factor "dens.targ" is significant or that any of its interactions are significant. Given that the other analyses strongly support our interpretation of the results, I would like to conclude that any effect of density of the target stimuli on response time is very weak at best. This is a very satisfactory conclusion to me, however, I want to go the extra mile to show the editor that we tested this as best we could. Although it might appear in the paper, it is not clear that it would. It may be the sort of thing you do to present to the Editor but leave out of the final version of the paper.

Any help, comments, pointers, etc will be much appreciated.

BTW: This is a visual search paradigm where the factor of interest is the density of distractors in the quadrant in which the target is found. The data are limited to those cases in which the initial visual saccade is to a "dense quadrant" or a "nondense quadrant" for those cases in which the initially saccaded-to-quadrant also contained the "target." The DV, TRIAL.TIME, is the time from the beginning of the trial to the point where the subject indicates they have found the target by clicking a key.


Wayne Gray

> anova.e1sq <- with(e1sq, summary(aov(TRIAL.TIME ~ BLOCK.NUMBER*dens.targ + Error(SUBJECT/(BLOCK.NUMBER*dens.targ)))))
> anova.e1sq

                       Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
BLOCK.NUMBER            3 9237318 3079106  0.9906 0.5030
dens.targ               1    8661    8661  0.0028 0.9612
BLOCK.NUMBER:dens.targ  3  254237   84746  0.0273 0.9927
Residuals               3 9324782 3108261               

                       Df   Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
BLOCK.NUMBER            3  2516104  838701  1.4333 0.2557
dens.targ               1   166064  166064  0.2838 0.5987
BLOCK.NUMBER:dens.targ  3   362702  120901  0.2066 0.8909
Residuals              26 15213849  585148               

Error: SUBJECT:dens.targ
                       Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
dens.targ               1 272316  272316  2.4674 0.1602
BLOCK.NUMBER:dens.targ  3 404184  134728  1.2207 0.3710
Residuals               7 772557  110365               

                       Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
BLOCK.NUMBER:dens.targ  3  367036  122345  0.9171 0.4444
Residuals              30 4002169  133406               

Error: Within
           Df   Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 418 59572437  142518               


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