[R-sig-teaching] Unbalanced factorial designs

Ista Zahn izahn at psych.rochester.edu
Sat Feb 28 15:53:47 CET 2009

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:29 PM, William Revelle <lists at revelle.net> wrote:
> Ista,
> At 8:01 PM -0500 2/27/09, Ista Zahn wrote:
>> I see that the email has not gone through because of the attachment.
>> The file can be downloaded from
>> http://prometheus.scp.rochester.edu/zlab/sites/default/files/InteractionsAndTypesOfSS.pdf
>> -Ista
>> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Ista Zahn <izahn at psych.rochester.edu>
>> wrote:
>>>  Hi everyone,
>>>  This is not a very R-specific question, I hope that will be forgiven.
>>>  I am the teaching assistant for the graduate level regression course
>>>  in the department of clinical and social psychology at my university.
>>>  Many of the students are very confused about the issues that arise
>>>  when analyzing factorial designs with unequal cell sizes.
>>>  I wrote the attached paper in an attempt to clarify these issues for
>>>  them. I'm concerned that my attempt to help them understand the issues
>>>  may just confuse them more, and I'm also concerned that I have be
>>>  mistaken about some of the claims I make in this paper.
>>>  If you have time to look it over at let me know if you spot any
>>>  problems I would greatly appreciate it.
>  From the point view of teaching ANOVA, this is great.  But from the point
> of view of teaching how to use R to do the anova, it would be helpful to
> include the R commands for the doing the various analyses. (As well as
> creating those  lovely tables.)  Nice job.

Thanks for the encouragement, and the suggestions. I will definitely
use your suggestion to include the R code in an appendix, but I will
probably remove the table-making commands because few of the student's
use LaTeX and I think it would just confuse them.

Thanks again,

> Bill
>>  >
>>>  Thank you,
>>>  Ista
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> William Revelle         http://personality-project.org/revelle.html
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