[RsR] Translating .R file that uses MASS to robustbase and a question of weights when doing predicted values

Brenton Clarke B@C|@rke @end|ng |rom murdoch@edu@@u
Wed Sep 5 05:13:14 CEST 2018

     I have two questions.  The first one is in using the MASS library I get a warning
when I ask for predicted values...I've seen somewhere a suggestion that one should
use "weights = 1/hhat" .......can someone explain to me which weights I should use?

Secondly,  I am teaching this in an applied statistics course...but using the library MASS.

I am wondering if I should use robustbase and lmrob

Can someone give me the code using lmrob that would do the same analysis
as the attached file?

I'm hoping this is not too onerous.


Dr Brenton R Clarke,
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics,
School of Engineering and Information Technology,
Murdoch University,
Murdoch, WA 6150,
Tel +61 (0)8 93602578

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