require(lme4) require(coda) if (!interactive()) pdf(onefile = FALSE) # plots are much smaller files than for postscript sessionInfo() ## Illustrate problem with mcmcsamp for two variance components mixed-effects model. = function(N.batch) { ## Create example data set ## N.batch Batches, 15 units per batch = (5 Trt A, 5 Trt B, 5 Trt C) ## Trt means, Batch SD, and residual SD theta = c(5, 10, 15) sd.batch = .5 sd.resid = 1.5 d = expand.grid( Batch=factor(1:N.batch), Trt=factor(c("A", "B", "C")), Units=1:5 ) d = d[order(d$Batch, d$Trt),][,-3] d$y = theta[ unclass(d$Trt) ] + rep( rnorm( N.batch, sd=sd.batch ), each=15 ) + rnorm( nrow(d), sd=sd.resid ) d } ## Create the response variable set.seed(991) d = ## Plot the data xyplot( y~Batch|Trt, data=d, layout=c(3, 1)) ## Fit linear mixed effects model fit = lmer2( y ~ Trt + (1|Batch), data=d ) ## MCMC sampling from the posterio distribution M = 25000 samp = mcmcsamp(fit, n=M) xyplot(samp, scales = list(x = list(axs = 'i'))) ## Uh oh...What's going on with the sd.batch ? print(summary(samp)) print(autocorr.diag(samp)) ## Uh oh. Very high autocorrelation for sd.batch! ## Four chains: MCMC sampling from the posterior distribution M = 25000 samp = lapply(1:4, function(i){ mcmcsamp( fit, n=M ) }) all.samp = data.frame( Chain=rep(1:4, each=M), Sample=rep(1:M, 4),, function(sa){ sa[,4] })),, function(sa){ sa[,5] })) ) ## Plot the chains for the two variance components xyplot(, groups=Chain, data=all.samp, outer=TRUE, layout = c(1,2), type="l", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, scales = list(y = list(relation="free"))) if (require(BRugs)) { ## No problems using BRugs ## OpenBugs Model model <- function() { for ( i in 1:N.batch ) { m[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.batch) for ( j in 1:N.unit ) { m.unit[ N.unit*(i-1) +j ] <- m[i] + theta[ Trt[N.unit*(i-1) +j] ] y [ N.unit*(i-1) +j ] ~ dnorm( m.unit[ N.unit*(i-1) +j ], tau.err ) } } sigma.batch <- 1/sqrt(tau.batch) sigma.err <- 1/sqrt(tau.err) log.sigma.batch <- log( sigma.batch ) tau.batch ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) tau.err ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) for ( k in 1:3 ) { theta[k] ~ dnorm( 0.0, 0.000001 ) } } setwd("C:/") writeModel(model, "model.txt") data = list( y=d$y, Trt=as.vector( unclass(d$Trt) ), N.batch=4, N.unit=15 ) inits = list( list( theta=c( 6, 8, 10 ), tau.batch=1, tau.err=1, m=rep(0, 4) ), list( theta=c( 7, 5, 12 ), tau.batch=.8, tau.err=1.2, m=rep(0, 4) ), list( theta=c( 15, 6, 15 ), tau.batch=1.2, tau.err=.8, m=rep(0, 4) ) ) BRugsFit("model.txt", data=data, inits=inits, numChains=3, parametersToSave=c("theta", "sigma.batch", "sigma.err", "log.sigma.batch"), nBurnin=5000, nIter=25000) samplesStats("*") plotHistory( "log.sigma.batch" ) plotAutoC( "log.sigma.batch" ) } ################################################ ## Repeat the exercise, but with 10 batches ## ################################################ ## Still doesn't look good ## Create the response variable set.seed(991) d = fit = lmer2( y ~ Trt + (1|Batch), data=d ) M = 25000 samp = mcmcsamp(fit, n=M) xyplot(samp, scales = list(x = list(axs = 'i'))) print(summary(samp)) print(autocorr.diag(samp)) samp = lapply(1:4, function(i){ mcmcsamp( fit, n=M ) }) all.samp <- data.frame(Chain = rep(1:4, each=M), Sample=rep(1:M, 4), = as.vector(sapply(samp, function(sa){ sa[,4] })),, function(sa){ sa[,5] }))) ## Plot the chains for the two variance components xyplot(, groups=Chain, data=all.samp, outer=TRUE, layout = c(1,2), type="l", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, scales = list(y = list(relation="free"))) ################################################ ## Repeat the exercise, but with 25 batches ## ################################################ ## This one looks good ## Create the response variable set.seed(991) d = fit = lmer2( y ~ Trt + (1|Batch), data=d ) M = 25000 samp = mcmcsamp(fit, n=M) xyplot(samp, scales = list(x = list(axs = 'i'))) print(summary(samp)) print(autocorr.diag(samp)) samp = lapply(1:4, function(i){ mcmcsamp( fit, n=M ) }) all.samp = data.frame( Chain=rep(1:4, each=M), Sample=rep(1:M, 4),, function(sa){ sa[,4] })),, function(sa){ sa[,5] })) ) ## Plot the chains for the two variance components xyplot(, groups=Chain, data=all.samp, outer=TRUE, layout = c(1,2), type="l", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, scales = list(y = list(relation="free")))