[R-sig-ME] IN PERSON COURSE – Hierarchical modelling in ecology (HMIE01) (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)

Oliver Hooker o||verhooker @end|ng |rom pr@t@t|@t|c@@com
Thu Jun 27 16:14:00 CEST 2024

IN PERSON COURSE – Hierarchical modelling in ecology (HMIE01) (Université
de Sherbrooke, Canada)


Where - Longueuil Campus <https://tinyurl.com/y5pntkxc> of Université de

When - Monday 11th - Frtiday 15th November

Please feel free to share!

COURSE OVERVIEW - More than ever in biology and ecology we need statistical
modelling tools that go beyond the basic linear or generalized linear
models. The next evolution in statistical modelling are hierarchical
models, also known as mixed models. Hierarchical models are complex tools
that have the potential to bring your research to the next level. However,
to understand hierarchical models properly, in this course we will briefly
discuss probability theory, the frequentists and Bayesian paradigms and
(generalized) linear models before studying hierarchical models. The
discussions on hierarchical models will first focus on simple hierarchical
models and as we advance in the course, we will study the basis of
constrained hierarchical models (i.e. in space or time) and multivariate
hierarchical models. The course will be a mixed of theory and practice. To
implement the models we will discuss in the course, we will be using the
Stan programming language, a flexible programming infrastructure designed
to construct any hierarchical models from the simplest to the most complex
ones. Stan is a programming language that is typically used through a
higher-level programming language such as R, python or Julia. In this
respect, although all our examples and practical exercises will be carried
out using R, any language that can interface with Stan can be used.

By the end of the course, participants should have:

   - Learned statistical theory to better construct, apply and interpret
   different statistical models applied to biology and ecology.
   - Become familiar with primary research in statistical modelling in
   biology and ecology.
   - Gained experience in working collaboratively on issues related to the
   development and application of statistical methods.

Please email oliverhooker using prstatistics.com with any questions.

Best wishes,


Oliver Hooker PhD.
PR stats

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