[R-sig-ME] Specifying bivariate priors with different distributions in MCMCglmm

Cones, Alexandra G. @|ex@cone@ @end|ng |rom uky@edu
Mon Nov 6 14:00:44 CET 2023

Hello all!

I am having trouble specifying my priors for a bivariate model in MCMCglmm with two response variable distributions.  I want to see if they covary at the among-individual level ("ID"). I have two response variables, one is gaussian (parental feeding rate of chicks per hour "Rate_h") and one is binomial (proportion of chicks that survive "propfledged").

I am able to specify the priors and model successfully for the binomial case when it is univariate:

prior1 <- list(G = list(G1 = list(V = diag(1), nu = 0.002)), R = list(V = 0.5, nu = 0.002, fix = T))

Based on my reading, I hold the residual variance at a fixed value to improve the running of the model in the binomial case. However, when I want to set up the bivariate, I don't know how to properly set up my priors when I have both a gaussian and binomial response.

I tried this for the bivariate but was told that V is the wrong dimension for some prior$G/prior$R elements:

prior2<-list(R=list(V=diag(2),nu=0.002), G=list(G1=list(V=diag(2), nu=0.002)))

I also tried fixing the residual variance in the bivariate and come up with the same problem (V is the wrong dimension for some prior$G/prior$R elements):

prior3<-list(R = list(V = 0.5, nu = 0.002, fix = T), G=list(G1=list(V=diag(2), nu=0.002)))

How do I correctly specify my priors here?

Thank you for your time!

Alex Cones

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