[R-sig-ME] How to specify correlation structure along with modeling heteroskedasticity in glmmTMB?

Santosh Srinivas @@nto@h@b@@r|n|v@@ @end|ng |rom out|ook@com
Sun Oct 8 17:32:31 CEST 2023

Hello list members,

For one of our papers, we are trying to understand if there is an equivalent of the following nlme::lme() specification in glmmTMB:
m = lme(y ~ gender + time, data = df, random= ~1+time|id, correlation = corAR1(), weights = varExp(form = ~time))

In our case, time = 0, 1, 2, ....8, where year 2008 was converted to 0, 2009 to 1, and so on for all individuals. Not all individuals have data on all timepoints. They also may start at different timepoints.

id --- y --- time --- gender
ab --- 0.2 --- 1 --- 2
ab --- 0.3 --- 2 --- 2
ac --- 0.5 --- 0 --- 1
ac --- 0.2 --- 1 --- 1
ac --- 0.7 --- 3 --- 1
bd --- 0.3 --- 2 --- 2
bd --- 0.2 --- 5 --- 2
bd --- 0.3 --- 8 --- 2

In essence, we are wondering if it is possible to include a) first-order autoregressive structure, along with b) modeling heteroscedasticity as an exponent of the covariate instead of as a power function of the covariate in glmmTMB.

>From the documentation, it appears that the below specification achieves the purpose:
m_alt = glmmTMB(y ~ gender + time + ar1(0 + factor(time)|id) + (1|id), data= df, dispformula = ~factor(time))

Not sure if our understanding of the model specification is right.

  1.  Is ar1() as specified here equivalent to corAr1() above?
  2.  Is dispformula = ~factor(time) equivalent to weights = varExp(form = ~time)?
  3.  We are also unsure if we are messing up with factorizing time.

Request your expertise and help.

Thank you.

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