[R-sig-ME] :D

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Sep 26 03:10:58 CEST 2023

   Is there any chance you could give us a reproducible example? (i.e., 
either post your data, or suggest an example based on a data set that's 
built into base R or some common R package ...)

   In general I would think that Error(id/time) would be matched by 
(1|id/time), not by (1|id:time) ...

On 2023-09-25 8:37 p.m., NIP wrote:
> Hello!
> Could any one help me out, if possible? I'm stuck here. How would 
> translate the following command lines to lmer syntax
> ```
> model <- aov(
>    response ~ treatment*time + Error(id/time),
>    data = selfesteem2)
> summary(model)
> ```
> I've tried this among others without success.
> ```
> anova(lmerTest::lmer(
>    response ~ treatment*time + (1|id:time),
>    data = data))
> ```

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