[R-sig-ME] Generalised Linear Mixed Models in R - October 9-13, 2023

i@io m@iii@g oii phys@ii@-courses@org i@io m@iii@g oii phys@ii@-courses@org
Fri Aug 11 18:18:36 CEST 2023

Dear all,
We're excited to introduce our upcoming course on (Generalised) Linear Mixed Models in R, scheduled to take place from October 9th to 13th, 2023. This intensive online course is tailored to enhance your expertise in statistical analysis and data modeling.
**Course Overview:**
The (Generalised) Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) framework is a cornerstone in statistical analysis. It extends traditional models by incorporating random effects, variance structures, and correlation structures. Designed for graduate students and researchers, this course will empower you to confidently specify, interpret, and validate linear and generalized linear mixed models. The practical emphasis is on real-world applications using R, with a focus on the lme4 and glmmTMB regression packages.
**Target Audience and Assumed Background:**
If you're familiar with generalized linear regression models in R and seek to elevate your proficiency, this course is ideal for you. The curriculum encompasses a review of foundational concepts, ensuring a seamless transition to mastering the GLMM framework. However, if you're seeking a more comprehensive introduction to regression analysis, our course "Generalized Linear Models as a unified framework for data analysis in R" might be better suited.
**Learning Outcomes:**
Upon completion, you will achieve the following:
1. Gain a deepened understanding of core regression concepts, from interactions to ANOVA.
2. Grasp the components of the GLMM framework, including distributions, random effects, and correlation structures.
3. Select the appropriate model structure for your applied analysis using lme4 and glmmTMB in R.
4. Visualize fitted GLMMs with effects and assess model assumptions using DHARMa.
For more information and to secure your spot, please visit: [ https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/glmms-in-r/ ]( https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/glmms-in-r/ ) 
We look forward to welcoming you to the course and embarking on this educational journey together.
Best regards,
Valentina Sardina
Course coordinator
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