[R-sig-ME] Problem specifying uncorrelated random intercepts and slopes for a multi-df covariate
Ben Bolker
bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Aug 5 00:12:23 CEST 2022
I will take a look if I get a chance.
"Singular" isn't quite the same as "inestimable", I think (although
to be honest I'm not sure what your definition of "inestimable" is). It
just means that the best estimate is on the boundary of the feasible
space. There are various more and less mathy ways of
restating/explaining that, one simple example is if you have a single
grouping variable; if true between-group variance is v_b and true
within-group variance is v_w, and there are N samples per group, the
expected *observed* among-group variation+ is v_b + v_w/n. If the sample
variance within groups is v'_w and the sample variance among groups is
LESS THAN v'_w/n, then your best conclusion is that the between-group
variance is negative! (or zero, if you're not allowing such
Singular fits are most common when the model is overfitted (too much
complexity/too much noise/not enough signal/not enough groups), but can
happen in many different circumstances.
When I try to retrieve your data file the web page says it has been
On 2022-08-04 11:07 a.m., Juho Kristian Ruohonen wrote:
> Many thanks, Ben and João. I did as advised, converting x2 into two dummies
> and specifying the random effects as *(x2B+x2C||id)*. This yields the
> correct number of estimated parameters (1 random intercepts, 2 random
> slopes). However, there's something I don't understand about the results.
> Firstly, there's a warning about a singular fit, which I take to mean that
> some parameters are inestimable. Judging from the following output, I
> gather that it must be the 2 random slopes, which are estimated at
> essentially zero:
> *> summary(slopes.nocorr)*
> *...*
> *Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. id (Intercept)
> 5.539e-01 7.443e-01 id.1 x2B 1.546e-14 1.243e-07 id.2 x2C
> 0.000e+00 0.000e+00Number of obs: 1405, groups: id, 292Fixed effects:
> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -0.93057
> 0.27450 -3.390 0.000699 ***x1 0.51158 0.26550 1.927
> 0.053997 . x2B 2.54505 0.20936 12.156 < 2e-16 ***x2C
> 2.30179 0.30480 7.552 4.29e-14 ***x3 -0.77494 0.11660
> -6.646 3.01e-11 ***x4 0.24489 0.04957 4.940 7.80e-07 ***x5
> 0.28619 0.13810 2.072 0.038235 * x6 -1.07816
> 0.90224 -1.195 0.232091 x7 -0.67521 0.32810 -2.058
> 0.039595 * *
> *x8 -0.76275 0.28824 -2.646 0.008138 ** *
> It seems very strange that the random slopes should be inestimable: x2B and
> x2C are not exceedingly scarce conditions: there are 277 observations of
> the former, 91 of the latter. There are 52 IDs with observations of both xB
> = 1 and xB = 0. And there are 33 IDs with observations of both xC = 1 and
> xC = 0. So, I don't understand why the random slopes couldn't be estimated.
> Stranger still, if I fit an otherwise identical model with *correlated* random
> effects, the random-slope estimates suddenly do differ from 0 (although
> there's still a singularity warning). Like so:
> *> slopes.corr <- glmer(y ~ (x2B+x2C|id) + x1 + x2B + x2C + x3 + x4 + x5
> + x6 + x7 + x8, family = binomial, data = mydata, control =
> glmerControl(optimizer = "optimx", optCtrl = list(method = "nlm")), nAGQ =
> 1)*
> *...*
> *Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr id
> (Intercept) 0.5827 0.7633 x2B 0.0798
> 0.2825 -0.22 x2C 0.2060 0.4539 -0.68 0.86Number
> of obs: 1405, groups: id, 292*
> *Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept) -0.98131 0.30416 -3.226 0.00125 ** x1 0.56391
> 0.29692 1.899 0.05754 . x2B 2.56529 0.28735 8.928 <
> 2e-16 ***x2C 2.17394 0.41814 5.199 2.00e-07 ***x3
> -0.77852 0.11699 -6.655 2.84e-11 ***x4 0.24384 0.04982
> 4.895 9.84e-07 ***x5 0.28790 0.14005 2.056 0.03981 * x6
> -1.08438 0.91036 -1.191 0.23359 x7 -0.66753
> 0.32962 -2.025 0.04285 * x8 -0.75425 0.28913 -2.609
> 0.00909 ** *
> It boggles my mind that the 2 random slopes should be inestimable in the
> simpler model (with no correlation params) but somehow become estimable
> when you introduce 3 more parameters by allowing random-effect
> correlations. My brain has melted. Does anyone have a clue what's going on?
> The anonymized datafile is available here <https://file.io/VKruszwJBwcK>.
> Best,
> Juho
> to 4. elok. 2022 klo 0.30 João Veríssimo (jl.verissimo using gmail.com) kirjoitti:
>> (1+x2 || id) is shorter notation for (1 | id) + (0 + x2 | id ).
>> And because x2 is a factor, suppressing the intercept leads to the
>> 'cell-mean coding' of x2: what is being estimated is the between-id
>> variation around the means of each level, A, B, and C (and their
>> correlation).
>> In order to get what you want, turn x2 into two numeric variables
>> according to its contrasts. For example:
>> x2num1 <- ifelse(x2=="B", 1, 0)
>> x2num2 <- ifelse(x2=="C", 1, 0)
>> Then (1 + x2num1 + x2num2 || id) will give you the random intercept, two
>> random slopes and no correlations.
>> João
>> On 03/08/2022 21:10, Juho Kristian Ruohonen wrote:
>>> Dear List,
>>> This is a logistic GLMM with 1 grouping factor + 8 fixed-effect
>> covariates.
>>> One of the fixed effects, namely x2, has three unordered categories. This
>>> is the covariate for whose 2 non-reference categories I want to estimate
>>> random slopes, along with the random intercepts with which I don't expect
>>> the slopes to be correlated. But I fail:
>>> *> VarCorr(glmer(y ~ (x2||id) + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8,
>>> family = binomial, data = mydata, control = glmerControl(optimizer =
>>> "optimx", optCtrl = list(method = "nlm")), nAGQ = 1))*
>>> *boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')*
>>> * Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr id (Intercept) 0.00000
>>> id.1 x2A 0.76331 x2B
>> 0.75422
>>> 0.931 x2C 0.56139 0.807 0.967*
>>> ^ Why is it reporting correlations when I told it not to? And why is it
>>> reporting the intercept variance as zero (which is wholly implausible)?
>> And
>>> why is it reporting a "random slope" for the reference category of x2?
>> It's
>>> the reference category, for crying out loud! It's not supposed to get an
>>> estimate.
>>> Consultation of the lme4 manual
>>> <https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lme4/vignettes/lmer.pdf> (page
>> 7)
>>> suggests the following alternative syntax for specifying random slopes
>>> uncorrelated with the random intercepts:
>>> *> VarCorr(glmer(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + (1|id) +
>>> (0+x2|id), family = binomial, data = mydata, control =
>>> glmerControl(optimizer = "optimx", optCtrl = list(method = "nlm")), nAGQ
>> =
>>> 1))*
>>> *boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')*
>>> * Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr id (Intercept) 0.00000
>>> id.1 x2A 0.76331 x2B
>> 0.75422
>>> 0.931 x2C 0.56139 0.807 0.967*
>>> ^ The exact same strangeness persists. Correlations are being estimated
>>> against my wishes, and there's a nonsensical parameter supposedly
>>> ostensibly representing the reference category, plus an implausible zero
>>> value reported on the random intercepts. What am I doing wrong?
>>> Best,
>>> Juho
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Dr. Benjamin Bolker
Professor, Mathematics & Statistics and Biology, McMaster University
Director, School of Computational Science and Engineering
(Acting) Graduate chair, Mathematics & Statistics
> E-mail is sent at my convenience; I don't expect replies outside of
working hours.
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