[R-sig-ME] Equivalent of STATA absorb in lme4 (or HGLM)

J.D. Haltigan jh@|t|g@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jul 17 03:31:20 CEST 2022


I am attempting to replicate some STATA analyses in R and have the
following question. In short:

Thanks, this is what I was trying to convey re: STATA's 'absorb' command
but failed to do.

So, in STATA, absorb basically just aggregates estimates it seems across
the factor variable. I have now changed the pairID variable upstream to a
factor class which results in estimates for all 300 pairIDs. Is there
something similar to STATA's absorb in lme4? Or would it simply be | pairID
in the formula even if the original factor 'pairID' with all 300 estimates
were 'fixed effects.' Though I doubt | pairID would work with a variable
now defined as class factor which I just confirmed. So, is anything like
STATAs 'absorb' available?


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