[R-sig-ME] significance level in lme4 and lmerTest
Emmanuel Curis
emm@nue|@cur|@ @end|ng |rom p@r|@de@c@rte@@|r
Tue Jul 5 15:02:50 CEST 2022
Hello Hasibe,
The choice of a significance level is up to you. It is entirely your
decision, but should be done *before* any analysis is done (even
before doing the experiment, ideally).
Best regards,
Le Tue, Jul 05, 2022 at 12:14:43PM +0000, Hasibe Kahraman a écrit :
> Hello,
> I used the lme4 package for modelling my data and ANOVA Type III (Version 3.0-12; Fox & Weisberg, 2019). I reported the results of LME analyses in my manuscript (see below):
> The main effects of group and prime type were significant (F(1,139.02)=6.5005, p=.011; F(2,197.66)=8.5271, p<.001, respectively), with a robust two-way interaction between Group and Prime Type (F(2,190.45)=11.9593, p<.0001)
> However, one reviewer asked that I should specify which p-value is my "significance" level. Therefore, could I possibly learn whether it is set to .05 or .01?
> Thanks,
> Hasibe
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