[R-sig-ME] lmer formula

Andras Farkas motyoc@k@ @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com
Sat Apr 9 21:11:03 CEST 2022


could you please provide input on the following formula (please ignore the widely known example of the sleepstudy data and its analysis for a moment and assume we have this formula here) :

 m1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ ((A1*Days)/(B2*C1)) + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy)

this simple example - similar to my actual real life model of greeter complexity - what I would try to do is to estimate fixed effects for "Days" and "C1", but not for "A1"
and "B2". In this hypothetical example A1, B2, AND C1 all have a column with values in the data sleepstudy, but instead of estimating a coefficient for A1 and B2 we would just use the actual values of them as they appear in the spreadsheet in the calculations.

hope I am not way off with my question, but could you please advise as to how the model formula would need to be written in this case?

much appreciate the help,



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