[R-sig-ME] Stats course: Introduction to Zero Inflated GLM and GLMM

Highland Statistics Ltd h|gh@t@t @end|ng |rom h|gh@t@t@com
Tue Mar 22 10:52:39 CET 2022

We would like to announce the following online stats course:

Course: Introduction to Zero Inflated GLM and GLMM

Format: Online course with on-demand video and live Zoom

Key phrases:

1. Introduction to mixed-effects models and GLMM using glmmTMB.
2. Analysis of count data, continuous data and proportional data with an 
excessive number of zeros.
3. Applying the following (zero-inflated) GLMMs in glmmTMB:
       -Count data: Poisson, negative binomial, generalised Poisson.
       -Proportional data: binomial, beta.
       -Continuous data: Tweedie, Gamma, hurdle model.
4. Power analysis: If we were to design a similar field study, how many 
clusters, and how many observations per cluster should we sample?

When: Live summary sessions using Zoom will run in March/April 2022.

Price: 500 GBP (50% reduction for developing countries).

Included: A 1-hour face-to-face video chat with one or both instructors.

Flyer: http://highstat.com/.../2022/Flyer2022_04_ZIMF_Online.pdf

Website: http://highstat.com/index.php/courses-upcoming

Kind regards,

Alain Zuur

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