[R-sig-ME] Collinearity diagnostics for (mixed) multinomial models

John Fox j|ox @end|ng |rom mcm@@ter@c@
Mon Feb 28 01:23:48 CET 2022

Dear Juho,

I've now had a chance to think about this problem some more, and I 
believe that the approach I suggested is correct. I also had an 
opportunity to talk the problem over a bit with Georges Monette, who 
coauthored the paper that introduced generalized variance inflation 
factors (GVIFs). On the other hand, the results produced by 
performance::check_collinearity() for multinomial logit models don't 
seem to be correct (see below).

Here's an example, using the nnet::multinom() function to fit a 
multinomial logit model, with alternative parametrizations of the LHS of 
the model:

--------- snip -----------

 > library(nnet) # for multinom()
 > library(carData) # for BEPS data set

 > # alternative ordering of the response levels:
 > BEPS$vote1 <- factor(BEPS$vote, levels=c("Labour", "Liberal 
Democrat", "Conservative"))
 > levels(BEPS$vote)
[1] "Conservative"     "Labour"           "Liberal Democrat"
 > levels(BEPS$vote1)
[1] "Labour"           "Liberal Democrat" "Conservative"

 > m <- multinom(vote ~ . - vote1, data=BEPS)
# weights:  33 (20 variable)
initial  value 1675.383740
iter  10 value 1345.935273
iter  20 value 1150.956807
iter  30 value 1141.921662
iter  30 value 1141.921661
iter  30 value 1141.921661
final  value 1141.921661
 > m1 <- multinom(vote1 ~ . - vote, data=BEPS)
# weights:  33 (20 variable)
initial  value 1675.383740
iter  10 value 1280.439304
iter  20 value 1165.513772
final  value 1141.921662

 > rbind(coef(m), coef(m1)) # compare coefficients
                  (Intercept)          age economic.cond.national 
Labour             0.9515214 -0.021913989              0.5575707 
Liberal Democrat   1.4119306 -0.016810735              0.1810761 
Liberal Democrat   0.4604567  0.005102666             -0.3764928 
Conservative      -0.9514466  0.021912305             -0.5575644 
                       Blair       Hague    Kennedy      Europe 
Labour            0.8371764 -0.90775585  0.2513436 -0.22781308 
Liberal Democrat  0.2937331 -0.82217625  0.6710567 -0.20004624 
Liberal Democrat -0.5434408  0.08559455  0.4197027  0.02776465 
Conservative     -0.8371670  0.90778068 -0.2513735  0.22781092 
Labour            0.13765774
Liberal Democrat  0.12640823
Liberal Democrat -0.01125898
Conservative     -0.13764849

 > c(logLik(m), logLik(m1)) # same fit to the data
[1] -1141.922 -1141.922

 > # covariance matrices for coefficients:
 > V <- vcov(m)
 > V1 <- vcov(m1)
 > cbind(colnames(V), colnames(V1)) # compare
       [,1]                                       [,2] 

  [1,] "Labour:(Intercept)"                       "Liberal 
  [2,] "Labour:age"                               "Liberal Democrat:age" 

  [3,] "Labour:economic.cond.national"            "Liberal 
  [4,] "Labour:economic.cond.household"           "Liberal 
  [5,] "Labour:Blair"                             "Liberal 
  [6,] "Labour:Hague"                             "Liberal 
  [7,] "Labour:Kennedy"                           "Liberal 
  [8,] "Labour:Europe"                            "Liberal 
  [9,] "Labour:political.knowledge"               "Liberal 
[10,] "Labour:gendermale"                        "Liberal 
[11,] "Liberal Democrat:(Intercept)" 
[12,] "Liberal Democrat:age"                     "Conservative:age" 

[13,] "Liberal Democrat:economic.cond.national" 
[14,] "Liberal Democrat:economic.cond.household" 
[15,] "Liberal Democrat:Blair"                   "Conservative:Blair" 

[16,] "Liberal Democrat:Hague"                   "Conservative:Hague" 

[17,] "Liberal Democrat:Kennedy"                 "Conservative:Kennedy" 

[18,] "Liberal Democrat:Europe"                  "Conservative:Europe" 

[19,] "Liberal Democrat:political.knowledge" 
[20,] "Liberal Democrat:gendermale" 

 > int <- c(1, 11) # remove intercepts
 > colnames(V)[int]
[1] "Labour:(Intercept)"           "Liberal Democrat:(Intercept)"

 > colnames(V1)[int]
[1] "Liberal Democrat:(Intercept)" "Conservative:(Intercept)"
 > V <- V[-int, -int]
 > V1 <- V1[-int, -int]

 > age <- c(1, 10) # locate age coefficients
 > colnames(V)[age]
[1] "Labour:age"           "Liberal Democrat:age"
 > colnames(V1)[age]
[1] "Liberal Democrat:age" "Conservative:age"

 > V <- cov2cor(V) # compute coefficient correlations
 > V1 <- cov2cor(V1)

 > # compare GVIFs:
 > c(det(V[age, age])*det(V[-age, -age])/det(V),
+   det(V1[age, age])*det(V1[-age, -age])/det(V1))
[1] 1.046232 1.046229

--------- snip -----------

For curiosity, I applied car::vif() and 
performance::check_collinearity() to these models to see what they would 
do. Both returned the wrong answer. vif() produced a warning, but 
check_collinearity() didn't:

--------- snip -----------

 > car::vif(m1)
                     age  economic.cond.national economic.cond.household
               15.461045               22.137772               16.693877
                   Blair                   Hague                 Kennedy
               14.681562                7.483039               15.812067
                  Europe     political.knowledge                  gender
                6.502119                4.219507                2.313885
Warning message:
In vif.default(m1) : No intercept: vifs may not be sensible.

 > performance::check_collinearity(m)
# Check for Multicollinearity

Low Correlation

                     Term  VIF Increased SE Tolerance
                      age 1.72         1.31      0.58
   economic.cond.national 1.85         1.36      0.54
  economic.cond.household 1.86         1.37      0.54
                    Blair 1.63         1.28      0.61
                    Hague 1.94         1.39      0.52
                  Kennedy 1.70         1.30      0.59
                   Europe 2.01         1.42      0.50
      political.knowledge 1.94         1.39      0.52
                   gender 1.78         1.33      0.56
 > performance::check_collinearity(m1)
# Check for Multicollinearity

Low Correlation

                     Term  VIF Increased SE Tolerance
                      age 1.19         1.09      0.84
   economic.cond.national 1.42         1.19      0.70
  economic.cond.household 1.32         1.15      0.76
                    Blair 1.50         1.22      0.67
                    Hague 1.30         1.14      0.77
                  Kennedy 1.19         1.09      0.84
                   Europe 1.34         1.16      0.75
      political.knowledge 1.30         1.14      0.77
                   gender 1.23         1.11      0.81

--------- snip -----------

I looked at the code for vif() and check_collinearity() to see where 
they went wrong. Both failed to handle the two intercepts in the model 
correctly -- vif() thought there was no intercept and 
check_collinearity() just removed the first intercept but not the second.

In examining the code for check_collinearity(), I discovered a couple of 
additional disconcerting facts. First, part of the code seems to be 
copied from vif.default(). Second, as a consequence, 
check_collinearity() actually computes GVIFs rather than VIFs (and 
doesn't reference either the Fox and Monette paper introducing GVIFs or 
the car package) but doesn't seem to understand that, and, for example, 
takes the squareroot of the GVIF (reported in the column marked 
"Increased SE") rather than the 2p root (when there are p > 1 
coefficients in a term).

Here's the relevant code from the two functions (where . . . denotes 
elided lines) -- the default method for vif() and .check_collinearity(), 
which is called by check_collinearity.default():

--------- snip -----------

 > car:::vif.default
function (mod, ...)
     . . .
     v <- vcov(mod)
     assign <- attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
     if (names(coefficients(mod)[1]) == "(Intercept)") {
         v <- v[-1, -1]
         assign <- assign[-1]
     else warning("No intercept: vifs may not be sensible.")
     terms <- labels(terms(mod))
     n.terms <- length(terms)
     if (n.terms < 2)
         stop("model contains fewer than 2 terms")
     R <- cov2cor(v)
     detR <- det(R)
     . . .
     for (term in 1:n.terms) {
         subs <- which(assign == term)
         result[term, 1] <- det(as.matrix(R[subs, subs])) * 
         result[term, 2] <- length(subs)
     . . .

 > performance:::.check_collinearity
function (x, component, verbose = TRUE)
     v <- insight::get_varcov(x, component = component, verbose = FALSE)
     assign <- .term_assignments(x, component, verbose = verbose)
     . . .
     if (insight::has_intercept(x)) {
         v <- v[-1, -1]
         assign <- assign[-1]
     else {
         if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
             warning("Model has no intercept. VIFs may not be sensible.",
                 call. = FALSE)
         . . .
         terms <- labels(stats::terms(f[[component]]))
         . . .
     n.terms <- length(terms)
     if (n.terms < 2) {
         if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
             warning(insight::format_message(sprintf("Not enough model 
terms in the %s part of the model to check for multicollinearity.",
                 component)), call. = FALSE)
     R <- stats::cov2cor(v)
     detR <- det(R)
     . . .
     for (term in 1:n.terms) {
         subs <- which(assign == term)
             . . .
             result <- c(result, det(as.matrix(R[subs, subs])) *
                 det(as.matrix(R[-subs, -subs]))/detR)
             . . .
     . . .

--------- snip -----------

So, the upshot of all this is that you should be able to do what you 
want, but not with either car::vif() or 
performance::check_collinearity(). Instead, either write your own 
function or do the computations in a script.

There's also a lesson here about S3 default methods: The fact that a 
default method returns a result rather than throwing an error or a 
warning doesn't mean that the result is the right answer.

I hope this helps,

On 2022-02-26 3:45 p.m., Juho Kristian Ruohonen wrote:
> Dear John W,
> Thank you very much for the tip-off! Apologies for not responding earlier
> (gmail apparently decided to direct your email right into the junk folder).
> I am very pleased to note that the package you mention does indeed work
> with *brms* multinomial models! Thanks again!
> Best,
> Juho
> pe 25. helmik. 2022 klo 19.23 John Willoughby (johnwillec using gmail.com)
> kirjoitti:
>> Have you tried the check_collinearity() function in the performance
>> package? It's supposed to work on brms models, but whether it will work on
>> a multinomial model I don't know.  It works well on mixed models generated
>> by glmmTMB().
>> John Willoughby
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 3:01 AM <r-sig-mixed-models-request using r-project.org>
>> wrote:
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>>     1. Collinearity diagnostics for (mixed) multinomial models
>>>        (Juho Kristian Ruohonen)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:23:25 +0200
>>> From: Juho Kristian Ruohonen <juho.kristian.ruohonen using gmail.com>
>>> To: John Fox <jfox using mcmaster.ca>
>>> Cc: "r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org"
>>>          <r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org>
>>> Subject: [R-sig-ME] Collinearity diagnostics for (mixed) multinomial
>>>          models
>>> Message-ID:
>>>          <
>>> CAG_dBVfZr1-P7Q3kbE8TGPm-_2sJixdGCHCtWM9Q9PEnd8ftZw using mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Dear John (and anyone else qualified to comment),
>>> I fit lots of mixed-effects multinomial models in my research, and I
>> would
>>> like to see some (multi)collinearity diagnostics on the fixed effects, of
>>> which there are over 30. My models are fit using the Bayesian *brms*
>>> package because I know of no frequentist packages with multinomial GLMM
>>> compatibility.
>>> With continuous or dichotomous outcomes, my go-to function for
>> calculating
>>> multicollinearity diagnostics is of course *vif()* from the *car*
>> package.
>>> As expected, however, this function does not report sensible diagnostics
>>> for multinomial models -- not even for standard ones fit by the *nnet*
>>> package's *multinom()* function. The reason, I presume, is because a
>>> multinomial model is not really one but C-1 regression models  (where C
>> is
>>> the number of response categories) and the *vif()* function is not
>> designed
>>> to deal with this scenario.
>>> Therefore, in order to obtain meaningful collinearity metrics, my present
>>> plan is to write a simple helper function that uses *vif() *to calculate
>>> and present (generalized) variance inflation metrics for the C-1
>>> sub-datasets to which the C-1 component binomial models of the overall
>>> multinomial model are fit. In other words, it will partition the data
>> into
>>> those C-1 subsets, and then apply *vif()* to as many linear regressions
>>> using a made-up continuous response and the fixed effects of interest.
>>> Does this seem like a sensible approach?
>>> Best,
>>> Juho
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John Fox, Professor Emeritus
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
web: https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/

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