[R-sig-ME] Help with interpreting one fixed-effect coefficient
John Fox
j|ox @end|ng |rom mcm@@ter@c@
Mon Sep 27 02:19:07 CEST 2021
Dear Simon,
First, thank you for the kind remark.
vignette("methods-supported-by-effects", package="effects") explains how
to make the functions in the effects package work with model objects of
different classes, assuming that the objects contain the necessary
information. I took a quick look at metafor::rma.mv() and don't think
that the object that it turns includes a model formula, which is
necessary for constructing effect plots.
I'm cc'ing this response to the R-sig-ME list. Keeping the discussion on
the list makes it available to people who may be potentially interested
in it, either now or in the future.
On 2021-09-26 4:27 p.m., Simon Harmel wrote:
> Dear John,
> Thanks! I have used your great package for years, it's just wonderful!
> (I wish it worked with metafor::rma.mv <http://rma.mv/>(), though!)
> Simon
> On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 3:04 PM John Fox <jfox using mcmaster.ca
> <mailto:jfox using mcmaster.ca>> wrote:
> Dear Simon,
> On 2021-09-26 2:03 p.m., Simon Harmel wrote:
> > Dear Russell,
> >
> > Thanks for sharing your perspective. First, I'm seeking an answer to
> > the following question:
> >
> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2021q3/029723.html
> <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2021q3/029723.html> .
> >
> > Second, the model is from p.80 (section 6.1) of the following manual:
> >
> http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/media/software/mlwin/downloads/manuals/3-05/manual-web.pdf
> <http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/media/software/mlwin/downloads/manuals/3-05/manual-web.pdf>
> >
> > Third, you can replicate (or apply 'emmeans' to) the model using
> the following:
> >
> > library(R2MLwiN) # just for the dataset
> > library(lmer)
> > data("tutorial")
> >
> > Form <- normexam ~ 1 + standlrt + schgend + sex + (standlrt | school)
> > model <- lmer(Form, data = tutorial, REML = FALSE) # ML to match the
> > manual's results
> > round(coef(summary(model )),3)
> For example, try the following (using effects, but you could get
> something similar from emmeans):
> library("lme4") # NB: lme4, not lmer
> data("tutorial", package="R2MLwiN")
> Form <- normexam ~ 1 + standlrt + schgend + sex + (standlrt | school)
> model <- lmer(Form, data = tutorial, REML = FALSE)
> library("effects")
> plot(predictorEffects(model))
> (Russell: The same-sex schools have students of only one one gender, so
> what's meant by an interaction between sex and schgend would have to be
> thought out a bit more -- maybe just ravel to four categories or
> redefine school gender as coed or same.)
> I hope this helps,
> John
> --
> John Fox, Professor Emeritus
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> web: https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
> <https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/>
> >
> > On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 12:40 PM Lenth, Russell V
> > <russell-lenth using uiowa.edu <mailto:russell-lenth using uiowa.edu>> wrote:
> >>
> >> It kind of bugs me to see people get unduly fixated on
> interpreting regression coefficients. To me, it is like driving a
> car down the highway while intently focused on the instrument panel
> instead of where we are going. Let's see -- the tachometer looks OK
> and we're just slightly above the speed limit -- but did you notice
> that you are passing a truck and you're entering a construction zone?
> >>
> >> Speaking of construction... for starters, the model is
> problematic. I can't imagine that those two factors don't interact;
> yet the model doesn't include interaction. Is that because the
> coefficients would be even harder to interpret? Because they will be.
> >>
> >> I suggest looking instead at what the (improved) model predicts.
> That may be done via an expression like
> >>
> >> new <- expand.grid(sex = c('boys', 'girls', schgender =
> c('boy-only', 'girl-only', 'mixed')
> >>
> >> which constructs a data frame with all combinations of the
> factors. Then use 'predict(model, newdata = new)` and you will see
> what the model predicts for all those combinations. It does not
> require much expertise or experience to interpret those. Moreover,
> they can be plotted so you can visualize the factor effects and
> their joint effects.
> >>
> >> Or (forgive me for self-promotion) you could use a package like
> `emmeans', or 'effects' or 'ggeffects' to facilitate this kind of
> exploration.
> >>
> >> Just my 2 cents worth.
> >>
> >> Russ Lenth
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >>
> >> Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 09:39:25 +0300
> >> From: Juho Kristian Ruohonen <juho.kristian.ruohonen using gmail.com
> <mailto:juho.kristian.ruohonen using gmail.com>>
> >> To: Simon Harmel <sim.harmel using gmail.com
> <mailto:sim.harmel using gmail.com>>
> >> Cc: r-sig-mixed-models <r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org
> <mailto:r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org>>
> >> Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] Help with interpreting one fixed-effect
> >> coefficient
> >> Message-ID:
> >>
> <CAG_dBVep4WSVRaOwRkZLKF8zrVBZMZ-_4X=_X63sJw9C1ZEKfw using mail.gmail.com
> <mailto:X63sJw9C1ZEKfw using mail.gmail.com>>
> >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >>
> >> In my view, your logic is slightly oversimplified (i.e. incorrect).
> >> Regression models do not estimate coefficients by holding predictors
> >> constant exclusively at the reference category. They do
> something more
> >> general, namely estimate coefficients by holding predictors
> constant at any
> >> value at which variation is observed in the values of the other
> predictors.
> >>
> >> su 26. syysk. 2021 klo 9.03 Simon Harmel (sim.harmel using gmail.com
> <mailto:sim.harmel using gmail.com>) kirjoitti:
> >>
> >>> Dear Juho and other List Members,
> >>>
> >>> My problem is the logic of interpretation. Assuming no
> interaction, a
> >>> categorical-predictors-only model, and aside from the intercept
> which
> >>> captures the mean for reference categories (in this case, boys
> in the
> >>> mixed schools), I have learned to interpret any main effect
> coef for a
> >>> categorical predictor by thinking of that coef. as something
> that can
> >>> differ from its reference category to affect "y" ***holding any
> other
> >>> categorical predictor in the model at its reference category***.
> >>>
> >>> By this logic, "schgendboy-only" main effect coef should mean diff.
> >>> bet. boys (held constant at the reference category) in boy-only vs.
> >>> mixed schools (which shows "schgendboy-only" can differ from its
> >>> reference category i.e, mixed schools).
> >>>
> >>> By this logic, "sexgirls" main effect coef should mean diff. bet.
> >>> girls vs. boys (which shows "sexgirls" can differ from its
> reference
> >>> category i.e, boys) in mixed schools (held constant at the
> reference
> >>> category).
> >>>
> >>> Therefore, by this logic, "schgendgirl-only" main effect coef
> should
> >>> mean diff. bet. boys (held constant at the reference category) in
> >>> girl-only vs. mixed schools (which shows "schgendgirl-only" can
> differ
> >>> from its reference category i.e, mixed schools).
> >>>
> >>> My question is that is my logic of interpretation incorrect? Or are
> >>> there exceptions to my logic of interpretation of which
> interpreting
> >>> "schgendgirl-only" coef is one?
> >>>
> >>> Thank you very much,
> >>> Simon
> >>>
> >>> On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 12:00 AM Juho Kristian Ruohonen
> >>> <juho.kristian.ruohonen using gmail.com
> <mailto:juho.kristian.ruohonen using gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Fellow student commenting here...
> >>>>
> >>>> As you suggest, schgendgirl-only can only ever apply to female
> students.
> >>> Strictly speaking, it's the estimated mean difference between a
> student of
> >>> any sex in a girls-only school and a similar student in a mixed
> school. But
> >>> since such comparisons are only observed between girls, the
> estimate is
> >>> necessarily informed by girl data only. So your intended
> interpretation of
> >>> the coefficient is correct.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> su 26. syysk. 2021 klo 0.27 Simon Harmel (sim.harmel using gmail.com
> <mailto:sim.harmel using gmail.com>)
> >>> kirjoitti:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Dear Colleagues,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Apologies for crossposting (
> >>> https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/545975/284623
> <https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/545975/284623>).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I've two categorical moderators i.e., students' ***sex***
> (`boys`,
> >>>>> `girls`) and the ***school-gender system*** (`boy-only`,
> `girl-only`,
> >>>>> `mixed`) in a model like: `y ~ sex + schoolgend`.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My coefs are below. I can interpret three of the coefs but
> wonder how
> >>>>> to interpret the third one from the top (.175)?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Assume "intrcpt" represents the boys' mean in mixed schools.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Estimate
> >>>>> (Intercept) -0.189
> >>>>> schgendboy-only 0.180
> >>>>> schgendgirl-only 0.175
> >>>>> sexgirls 0.168
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My interpretations of the coefficients are as follows:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "(Intercept)": mean of y for boys in mixed
> schools = -.189
> >>>>> "schgendboy-only": diff. bet. boys in boy-only vs. mixed
> schools =
> >>> +.180
> >>>>> "schgendgirl-only": diff. bet.
> ???????????????????????????? = +.175
> >>>>> "sexgirls": diff. bet. girls vs. boys in
> mixed schools
> >>> = +.168
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If my interpretation logic for all other coefs is correct,
> then, this
> >>>>> third coef. must mean:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> diff. bet. boys in girl-only vs. mixed schools = +.175!
> (which makes no
> >>> sense!)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ps. I know I will end-up interpreting +1.75 as: diff. bet.
> girls in
> >>>>> girl-only vs. mixed schools BUT this doesn't follow the
> interpretation
> >>>>> logic for other coefs PLUS there are no labels in the output
> to show
> >>>>> what's what!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Many thanks,
> >>>>> Simon
> >>
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John Fox, Professor Emeritus
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
web: https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
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