[R-sig-ME] Advice for the R-package of lme4
j-|ch|k@w@ @end|ng |rom k@n@g@w@-u@@c@jp
Fri Aug 27 02:52:17 CEST 2021
Sorry, in addition, I have something to know.
The following messages are presently displayed when both libraries of
lmerTest and lme4 were loaded in one program.
The following objects are masked from ‘package: lme4’: lmer
The following objects are masked from ‘package: stats’: step
It seems that I should specify which package (lme4 or lmerTest) to use the
function of lmer.
However, before this problem, such messages might not be displayed.
Is this related to the problem ?
Very sorry to bother you while you are busy, but I appreciate your
2021年8月27日(金) 9:35 ia08007 <ia08007 using gmail.com>:
> Dear Dr. Bolker
> I appreciate your kind help.
> I can identify the version of packages at that time.
> lme4 was 1.1-23 and lmerTest was 3.1-2.
> For reference, are there any other packages that might affect the results?
> I have tried, but it seems that other packages would affect them.
> Very sorry to bother you while you are busy, but I appreciate your
> cooperation.
> 2021年8月27日(金) 6:58 Ben Bolker <bbolker using gmail.com>:
>> [Please keep r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org in the Cc: list!]
>> The warning message is *probably* irrelevant; to make it go away you
>> would need to install the Matrix package from source on your machine
>> (the binary packages on CRAN are built with the latest R version of a
>> particular release series).
>> A preliminary investigation on my side had the same general
>> conclusions (fitting with 1.1-23 and 1.1-26 gave identical answers). I'm
>> afraid that if you have tried with both versions of the package and
>> can't replicate your former results exactly then, logically, *the
>> lme4/lmerTest package versions cannot be the source of the problem*;
>> some other aspect of your setup must have changed. Numerical
>> computations are, unfortunately, subject to a great deal of
>> (small-scale) instability due to changes in underlying linear algebra
>> packages, compilers, etc..
>> I'm not sure what else we can do to help.
>> sincerely
>> Ben Bolker
Jun ICHIKAWA, Ph.D (Information Science)
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems Creation
Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
3-27-1, Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama,
Kanagawa, 221-8686, JAPAN
E-mail:j-ichikawa using kanagawa-u.ac.jp
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