[R-sig-ME] Variable selection for varying dispersion beta glmm using glmmTMB package

Tahsin Ferdous t@h@|n|erdou@uo|c @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu May 27 03:01:09 CEST 2021

I am struggling with the varying dispersion beta regression using glmmTMB.
I did the Breusch-Pagan Test for checking heteroscedasticity for my model.
As, the p-value is smaller than 0.05, so heterodasticity is present. So, I
have to use beta glmm for varying dispersion. Further, I need to know which
variable I should include for a varying dispersion model. To know this, I
followed a procedure. For example, my response variable is y, independent
variable is x1,x2 and x3 and there is random effect for study id. At first,
I ran beta glmm for varying dispersion only for y and x1. Then, I did the
Breusch-Pagan Test for checking heteroscedasticity. If the p value is
smaller than 0.05, there is heteroscadsticity. In this case, I added x1
variable in my dispersion model. Similarly, I run beta glmm for y and x2,
and then perform the Breusch-Pagan test. If the result shows
homoscedasticity, then I didn't include x2 covariate for the dispersion
model. Again, I did the same thing for y and x3. If the result implies
heteroscedasticity, then I added x3 covariate for my dispersion model.

Finally, this will be like :
m1.f <- glmmTMB(y~ x1+x2+x3+(1|study_id), data=mydata, ziformula=
~1,dispformula = ~x1+x3, family=beta_family() )

Is my procedure correct?

Should we comment on only conditional mean model?


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