[R-sig-ME] glmer() Gamma distribution - constant coefficient of variation

Hedyeh Ahmadi hedyeh@h @end|ng |rom u@c@edu
Mon Mar 22 22:24:04 CET 2021

Hi all,
I am running a glmer() with Gamma distribution and identity link. The R output is as follows. I would like to check the constant coefficient of variation assumption in R but I am not sure where to start. Any help would be appreciated.

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
 Family: Gamma  ( identity )
Formula: Y ~ 1 + pm252016aa + race +prnt.empl + overall.income +  (1 | site)
Data: Family
Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 100000))

     AIC       BIC           logLik           deviance df.resid
 68781.7   68917.1 -34371.8     68743.7     9180

Scaled residuals:
    Min      1Q             Median      3Q        Max
-1.9286   -0.7314   -0.0598    0.6770    3.9599

Random effects:
 Groups    Name               Variance   Std.Dev.
 site (Intercept)      0.66157    0.8134
 Residual                            0.04502     0.2122
Number of obs: 9199,  groups:  site, 21

Fixed effects:
                                                               Estimate     Std. Error         t value             Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                              52.3578               1.3102            39.962         < 0.0000000000000002 ***
pm252016aa                                         -0.1260                 0.1099           -1.147            0.251212
race_1                                                     1.0913                  0.7106         -1.536             0.124628
race_2                                                     -1.1787                  0.6870          3.171             0.001518 **
prnt.empl                                               2.8852                  0.4377            4.307            0.000016517 **
overall.income[>=100K]                      -1.8476                 0.3693          -5.003            0.000000566 ***
overall.income[>=50K & <100K]        -0.8644                0.3403             -2.540            0.011078 *
Signif. codes:  0 �***� 0.001 �**� 0.01 �*� 0.05 �.� 0.1 � � 1


Hedyeh Ahmadi, Ph.D.
Keck School of Medicine
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Southern California

Postdoctoral Scholar
Institute for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research (IISBR)
University of California, Irvine


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