[R-sig-ME] non-singularity with glmer() in a logit mixed model

David Duffy D@v|d@Du||y @end|ng |rom q|mrbergho|er@edu@@u
Mon Feb 15 06:14:13 CET 2021

> The focus of the paper is to compare the results of two dependent variables, Y.A and Y.B for firms nested in 24 regions. 
> I am estimating mixed logit models [...] the definition of Y.A is much more restrictive though more interesting than the definition of Y.B. 
> Therefore, for Y.A there are far fewer ones for firms in the 24 regions.

I don't know if this is helpful, but you might try a multinomial (or even ordinal, if that is appropriate) outcome (no, y-loose, y-strict) GLMM. There are
a few suitable R packages (eg MCMCglmm). 

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