[R-sig-ME] Reporting den of df for f like AOV table using Sattertwaite's method

Phillip Alday me @end|ng |rom ph||||p@|d@y@com
Tue Dec 15 23:47:50 CET 2020

I didn't see an answer go past for this question yet so let me make a
few comments:

- If your ddf are that large, then the F distribution is very close to a
chi-squared distribution and the approximation used by e.g.
car::Anova(model, KR=FALSE) will be faster and nearly as accurate.

- (This is why one of the suggested ways for dealing with the missing
p-values in lme4 is to simply treat the t values as z values -- at some
point with a few tens of groups and a few hundreds of observations, the
effective degrees of freedom are so large that you can treat them as
infinite and thus t -> z and F -> chi-square)

- If you decide to stick with the F distribution, then you need to
report all digits of your ddf before the decimal point and maybe 1 or 2
after the decimal point (if they aren't integers).


On 19/10/20 7:00 am, Salahadin Lotfi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have run several MLM models with over 200,000 observations. I intend to
> report f values calculated using lmerTest package for each model
> (Sattertwaite's method). I am trying to learn best practices to report
> denominators of df estimated by Sattertwaite's method as I am reporting
> usual f(NumDF, DenDF)=xxx. The obtained den of df is pretty large and I am
> not sure it does make sense to report 6 digits values. I have run several
> of these models and it takes a big chunk of the result section if I keep
> reporting 6 digits.
> I am also aware that many researchers report beta/ES/t/z estimates,
> however, it makes sense to report f values in the context of my study,
> hence I am here with my question. :-)
> What is the best practice when it comes to report pretty large DenDF of f
> models?
> Any input will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sala
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